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Best Jenniferlawrence Quotes This Month

  1. CookieMonster09* CookieMonster09*
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2013 4:22pm UTC
    do you ever just watch interviews with your favourite celebrity and you kinda sit there staring and say 'oh my god, i love you so much'

  2. Ethanol Ethanol
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2013 9:41am UTC
    “You look how you look.
    Be comfortable.
    What are you going to do?
    Be hungry every single day just to
    make other people happy?
    That’s just dumb.”
    - J E N N I F E R
    L A W R E N C E

  3. _Jannette _Jannette
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2013 10:59am UTC
    "In Hollywood, I'm obese. I'm considered a fat actress. I eat like a caveman. I'll be the only actress that doesn't have anorexia rumors! I'm never going to starve myself for a part. I'm invincible. I don't want little girls to be like, "Oh, I want to look like Katniss, so I'm going to skip dinner!"
    - Jennifer Lawrence

  4. dontsellyourselfshort dontsellyourselfshort
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2013 10:47am UTC
    I understand that scissors can beat paper. And I get how rock can beat scissors. But there's no way paper can beat rock. Paper is supposed to magically wrap around rock leaving it immobie? Why can't paper do this to scissors? Screw scissors. Why can't paper do this to people? Why aren't sheets of college ruled notebook paper constantly suffocating students as they attempt to take notes in class? I'll tell you why. Because paper can't beat anybody. A rock would tear it up in two seconds. When I play rock paper scissors. I always choose rock. Then when somebody claims to have beaten me with their paper I can punch them in their face with my already clenched fist and say oh sorry, I thought paper would protect you.

  5. CookieMonster09* CookieMonster09*
    posted a quote
    August 14, 2013 6:10pm UTC
    I honestly don't know how to love something without being a ''fangirl'' about it like if I love it, I need to inject it into my veins and grind it into a powder and snort it

  6. TellitTotheFrogs* TellitTotheFrogs*
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2013 10:37pm UTC
    interviewer: What do you and Katniss have in common?
    jennifer lawrence: We look alike.

  7. SwaggerGirl6 SwaggerGirl6
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2013 11:50am UTC
    Interviewer: How did you learn to act so well?
    Jennifer: I was a big liar when I was a child.

  8. Irresponsible Irresponsible
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2014 5:11pm UTC

    In Hollywood, I'm obese. I'm considered a fat actress. But, I'm never going to starve myself for a part. I keep waiting for that one role to come along that scares me enough into dieting, and it just can't happen.
    I'm invincible.
    I don't want little girls to be like, 'Oh, I want to look like Katniss, so i'm going to skip dinner.'
    That was something I was really concious of during training. I was trying to get my body looking fit and strong, not skinny and underfed."
    — jennifer lawrence

  9. myusernamedoesntmatter myusernamedoesntmatter
    posted a quote
    May 25, 2014 8:40pm UTC
    "Jennifer Lawrence is so down to earth"
    well she would be with all that tripping over she does.
    hehe...just thought of this the other day

  10. enginesGoBOOM* enginesGoBOOM*
    posted a quote
    January 19, 2014 8:04am UTC
    "what makes you such a good actor?"
    "i was a big liar when i was a kid."

  11. _geronimo_* _geronimo_*
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2013 6:54pm UTC
    Pizza fixes everything.
    - Jennifer Lawrence.

  12. BlackRoses * BlackRoses *
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2013 8:25pm UTC
    Jennifer: Whenever Josh is like "I don´t think you should do it like that"
    Jennifer: And then I'm like "Oh, really? Do you wanna tell that to my Oscar?"

  13. PaytonSawyer PaytonSawyer
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2013 2:02pm UTC
    "When I first got to New York, my feet hit the sidewalk and you'd have thought I was born and raised there. I took over that town. None of my friends took me seriously. I came home and announced, 'I'm going to move to New York,' and they were all like 'OK.' Then when I did, they kept waiting for me to fail and come back. But I knew I wouldn't. I was like, 'I'll show you.'"
    -Jennifer Lawrence

  14. CookieMonster09* CookieMonster09*
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2013 11:21am UTC
    When you don't have anybody
    to take care of you, then
    you could go both ways:
    you could do whatever
    you want or you could
    take charge and
    be your own
    Jennifer Lawrence

  15. MrsJHutch MrsJHutch
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2013 2:32pm UTC
    Happy 23 Birthday
    Jennifer Lawrence

  16. LittleNAT14 LittleNAT14
    posted a quote
    March 9, 2013 9:03pm UTC
    Teenagers only have to focus on themselves - its not until we get older that we realize that other people exist -Jennifer Lawrence

  17. PaytonSawyer PaytonSawyer
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2013 2:09pm UTC
    "I don't want little girls to be like, 'Oh, I want to look like Katniss, so I'm going to skip dinner.' That's something that I was really conscious of during training, when you're trying to get your body to look exactly right. I was trying to get my body to look fit and strong, not thin and underfed."
    -Jennifer Lawrence

  18. steffykins steffykins
    posted a quote
    May 27, 2013 3:13pm UTC
    Is it just me, or is Jennifer Lawrence seriously the funniest person on the planet?

  19. PaytonSawyer PaytonSawyer
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2013 1:57pm UTC
    "Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it."
    -Jennifer Lawrence

  20. ayoo_alexa ayoo_alexa
    posted a quote
    March 23, 2013 3:14pm UTC
    “I have an obsessive passion, but this is a very strange passion. Glass doors, I love them." - Jennifer Lawrence


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