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Jane Quotes

  1. brittanyfaithw brittanyfaithw
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2014 5:21pm UTC
    There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others. My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me.

  2. FreakingPip* FreakingPip*
    posted a quote
    January 12, 2014 6:59pm UTC
    You didn’t email, you didn’t do anything to let me know that you just left? I made you snickerdoodles.
    ~The Lizzie Bennet Diaries

  3. greyskies greyskies
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2013 11:50pm UTC
    Tarzan: Okay...
    Tarzan: "How do you do. My name is Tarzan, and I believe you are known as Jane."
    Tarzan: "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle... And you?"
    Tarzan: "You must be Jane. I am Tarzan. It's a pleasure to meet you."
    Tarzan: There she is!
    Jane: ...
    Tarzan: ...
    Jane: ...
    Tarzan: Dammit.

  4. *♥ synchronicity ♥* *♥ synchronicity ♥*
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2013 10:55pm UTC
    "When people realize how lonely it is being on their own, they will become kind."

  5. josiewdog123 josiewdog123 happy birthday!
    posted a quote
    July 10, 2013 9:06pm UTC
    Gayzzoli and Isles

  6. josiewdog123 josiewdog123 happy birthday!
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2013 7:55pm UTC
    Gayzzoli & Isles

  7. dandelions dandelions
    posted a quote
    May 9, 2013 5:59pm UTC
    Jane Edwards
    Chapter 9
    "Now, I have something else to show you," Richard said.
    We were still sitting on the ground in the woods.
    It was starting snow.
    "What is it this time?" I asked, smiling at him.
    "You'll see," he said.
    We made our way out of the woods and started walking down the road.
    Eventually we made it to the water tower.
    "What are we doing here?" I asked.
    "Jane, just trust me," I said.
    We climbed up the ladder, and eventually made it to the top.
    We stood there for a while, looking at the sky,
    collecting snow in our hair.
    "Have you ever thought of what it felt like to fly?" he asked, not looking at me.
    "What are you saying?" I asked, getting nervous.
    "That I want to fly," he said.
    "Richard, I think we should just get dow-"
    "I want to fly. I want to jump off of this water tower, and into the unknown, with you," he said,
    finally looking at me.
    "Are you sure?" I asked, quietly.
    "Look Jane, I know you still want to die. I do too. I always have. You may have escaped form your house, but you know you can't escape from your past.
    The memories of your parents will still be with you,
    and the memory of Katherine will still be with me. The memories will never leave."
    I started crying, and he was about to.
    I ran over to him and hugged him tight,
    with tears falling from my face and onto his shoulder.
    I gently kissed him, then we let go of each other.
    "One," he said.
    "Two," I said, grabbing his hand.
    I looked down, and then closed my eyes.
    We said together,

  8. dandelions dandelions
    posted a quote
    May 1, 2013 6:07pm UTC
    Jane Edwards
    Chapter 6
    When we got back to Richard's house,
    I just walked up to what is considered my room without saying a word.
    I sat down on the bed
    and cried.
    I cried for hours.
    I'm pretty sure Richard and his mom could hear me
    but I really didn't care that much.
    I didn't know that it was humanly possibly to cry so much in one day.
    When I calmed myself down,
    Richard came in.
    "Hey," he said, as he sat down next to me on the bed.
    I gave him a short, shy smile.
    "I'm not going to bother asking if you're okay, because obciously you aren't," he said.
    "Why do you care so much about me? Why are you doing this all for me?" I asked.
    "Because you remind me of my sister."
    "You have a sister?" I asked.
    "Had," he said.
    "I'm sorry," I said. I felt bad for reminding him of his sister.
    "It's fine."
    I stared at him for a minute. I couldn't think of anything ot say.
    Finally he said,
    "Before I moved here, I lived in New York with my mom and my sister, Katherine.
    Katherine was 3 years older than me.
    She was the best sister anyone could ever have.
    She would always hang out with me, whenever I asked her to.
    But she started to get depressed.
    She stopped hanging out with me.
    She just locked herself in her room all day.
    A few days after her 15th birthday, she was home alone.
    I was at a friend's house, and my mom was grocery shopping.
    My mom came and picked me up when she was done.
    When we got home, there were police officers and ambulances outside of the building.
    An officer asked if we where Katherine's family.
    When my mom said yes,
    he told us that Katherine had cmmited suicide.
    She went to the roof of the appartment building and jumped.
    After a few months, my mom decided to leave the city.
    So we moved here."
    By the time Richard finished, tears where rolling down his face.
    I didn't know what to say, so we just sat there in silence.
    After a while, he said,
    "I didn't want to see someone go through depression,
    and I didn't want someone else in my life to commit suicide,
    even if you weren't a big part of my life."
    At this point I was crying again.
    I still didn't know what to say, exept,
    "Thank you."
    He looked at me confused.
    "For saving me. Thank you.
    He nodded, and got up to leave.
    I didn't want him to go though.
    Richard comforted me when I thought no one could.
    But he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

  9. dandelions dandelions
    posted a quote
    April 29, 2013 8:49pm UTC
    Jane Edwards
    Chapter 5
    Richard's mom woke me up at 6:30 to go to school.
    I got up, and did all the normal stuff people do in the morning to get ready.
    Me and Richard walked to the end of his drive way and waited for the bus.
    What a joy this is going to be.
    "Don't worry, this bus isn't that bad," he said, as if he read my mind.
    The bus finally came down the street and we got on.
    The bus driver stopped me and wanted to see my bus pass.
    Bus drivers are so damn annoying.
    Once that was done with,
    I walked down the aisle to my doom.
    "Is that Edwards?"
    "What's she doing with Richard?"
    "Was she having a little sleepover?"
    Everyone was laughing and staring.
    I'm not gonna lie, it bothered me.
    But it's not the worst thing people have said to me.
    I'm kind of use to it now.
    Richard told them to shut the hell up, and they actually did.
    I find the fact that everyone listens to him funny.
    School wasn't any different form other days.
    I went to my classes.
    Teachers yelled at me for being late.
    Teachers yelled at me again for not doing homework.
    People shoved me into lockers.
    People called me emo, goth.
    But seriously, are there even any goths anymore?
    Come on people, it's 2013.
    My parents never came in to see if I came to school.
    I don't think they even care that I left.
    No surprises there.
    Finally it was the end of the day.
    I got back on the bus that "Isn't that bad" and sat down next to Richard,
    because I'm pretty sure no one else really wants to sit with me.
    "So how was your day?" Richard asked.
    "Since when did you all of a sudden started caring about me?" I said.
    "Since you needed someone to care about you," he responded.
    "Well, my day was the same as any other," I said after thinking for a minute.
    "You get body slammed into walls any other day?" he asked, surprised.
    "Where you following me all day?" I asked.
    "We have similar schedules," he said.
    The rest of the ride was silent between us.

  10. dandelions dandelions
    posted a quote
    April 29, 2013 4:50pm UTC
    Jane Edwards
    Chapter 4
    I grabbed my bag and we walked into his house.
    It was a nice house.
    Richard isn't rich or anything, but he's absolutely not poor.
    Richard's mom was sitting in the kitchen, reading something on her laptop.
    She looked at me, then at Richard, then at me again.
    "Mom, this is Jane. She will be staying here if that's alright with you," he said confidently.
    "Oh, and why is that?" She asked, sounding very annoyed.
    "Well, Jane was just caught up in a bad situation, and she needs to get out if it.
    So I decided to help," he tried to convince his mom to let me stay.
    She stared at me for a minute, making me feel incredibly awkward.
    Eventually, she said, "Richard, bring Jane's bag up to the guest room."
    Richard grabbed my bag and we walked up stairs to the guest room.
    "Well, this is your room. The bathroom is the next door to the right,
    and my room is at the end of the hall if you need me for anything,"
    he said as we walked into the guest room.
    "Thanks," I said.
    There was a silence, then he said, "Well, it's late and we have school tomorrow.
    I'm going to bed. I'll see you in the morning."
    He smiled, then went to his room.
    I grabbed my bag and looked for some pajamas.
    Thank god I packed some.
    I actually did a pretty good job for packing,
    cosidering I only had about three minutes.
    I changed and crawled into bed.
    But I couldn't sleep. I couldn't stop thinking.
    Thinking about my life, my home, this night, tomorrow.
    I eventually fell sleep at about 4 in the morning.
    Which kind of sucks because I have to get up two hours later for school.

  11. dandelions dandelions
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2013 11:18pm UTC
    Jane Edwards
    Chapter 3
    I walked into my house and closed the door.
    And luckily for me, my dad was sleeping on the couch.
    He woke up to the sound of the door closing. He stood up and slowly walked toward me.
    I tried to run, but he grabbed my arm before I could take two steps.
    He pulled me back and slapped me across the face.
    I screamed out of pain and fell to the ground.
    "YOU NEVER WAKE ME UP!" he yelled.
    I was crying so much I couldn't breathe.
    That's when Richard came running in.
    He looked at me for a second, then looked at my dad.
    Richard ran up to him and punched him right in the jaw.
    My dad fell backwards, hit his head on the counter and blacked out.
    My mother came running down the stairs, geting ready to literally strangle me.
    Richard grabbed my hand and pulled me up.
    We ran up stairs and into my room.
    I locked the door behind Richard and we moved my dresser in front of it.
    I shoved all my clothes into a duffle bag. Richard said whatever I forget we can just replace it.
    I opened my window and climbed out of it, onto the roof. Richard followed.
    We jumped onto a tree and climbed down it.
    We got into Richard's car and drove off.
    "I like your family" he said, after a long silence.
    "Aren't they lovely?" I replied.
    That was all we said until we got to his house.
    "Are you sure your mom is gonna be okay with this?" I asked.
    "She won't be mad. She'll understand when I explain the situation. Don't worry," he said.
    I grabbed my bag and we walked into his house.
    Hi guys! I hope you are enjoying my story. This is the first story I have ever written.
    I would just like to let you know that I do not notify, so please don't ask.
    Also, sorrry for all the typos that I have made, and probably will make in the future.
    Thank you for reading! I will hopefully post more tomorrow!

  12. dandelions dandelions
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2013 9:40pm UTC
    Jane Edwards
    Chapter 1
    I sat down.
    Richard started running toward the ladder.
    Richard is the guy who lives in the house right next to the water tower. He is the same age as me (17), and is in a bunch of the same classes as me. He isn't really special. Just a normal guy that barely know.
    Richard climbed up the ladder and sat down next to me.
    "Hey," he said, extremely casually.
    "Hi," i said, in the same casual tone.
    There was a second of silence, not very awkward, when he said,
    "So, can I ask why you are up here this evening?"
    "To die," I said quietly.
    "I realize that. But why?"
    There was another small pause, then I said,
    "why are you up here with me?"
    "To make sure you die of natural causes. Now, why do you want to kill yourself?"
    "To escape," I said.
    "To escape what?" He asked.
    He sounded liek he truly cared, like he wasn't just curious.
    "My home."
    "Well, if you are trying to escape, it isn't really much of a home."
    "I guess."
    I didn't want to tell him about how my dad beats me,
    or about all the other stuff that happens at my house.
    And I think he knew that I didn't want to talk about it anymore,
    because he didn't ask about my home.
    Instead, he said,
    "Why don't you come live with me?"

  13. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    March 23, 2013 2:11pm UTC
    Emma Stone: I play Spiderman's girlfriend, Gwen Stacy, who is a dynamic and brilliant science student
    Emma Stone: Not to be confused with Spiderman's other girlfriend, Mary Jane Watson, who is a ska.nk and doesn't love him like I do

  14. TheCityIsAtWar TheCityIsAtWar
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2013 5:13pm UTC
    I am becoming what I am meant to be. Your children's children will worship me.

  15. DarkAngelDreamer DarkAngelDreamer
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2013 3:08pm UTC
    When I'm cross-examining myself, do I have to stand down there
    and ask the questions and then run back up here to answer them?
    - Patrick Jane, The Mentalist


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