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Best Iwillprobablydeletethisbecauseitmightbetoogrossidkitsjustreallyonlytalkingaboutvaginabloodsoooo Quotes Ever

  1. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    May 19, 2015 3:12am UTC
    I don't really have any embarrassing period
    stories. but I do have some "I got my period
    and boys were t.wats about it" stories.
    1. I think it was before my one ex forced himself
    on me. kind of sad that it happened so many times
    I can't remember. my period started the week we got
    together, and by the end of that week, it happened.
    problem is after it happened the first time, it was a
    constant thing (where periods and tampons didn't
    stop him.) so, it could have happened before. for
    the sake of it let's make it happy and say it was
    before he turned into a complete sack of s.hit. I
    was at his house and I needed a tampon. heavier
    flow than anticipated you feel me? I don't think
    your period is something you should be ashamed
    by so I was like "hey you, I need to leave I need a
    tampon really bad" and he was against me leaving
    at all costs. (people don't understand how you can
    be r.aped almost everyday, multiple times a day,
    because at a certain point "you must have wanted
    it, or it wouldn't have happened. you put yourself
    through that by continuing the relationship." but
    you don't understand- he's crazy. he was on house
    arrest, but he'd still find ways to come to my house.
    and if I didn't go over, he would just.. you just don't
    understand until you are with someone that is so
    manipulative as he is- I really hope no one has to
    find out.) so, to fix the problem, he yelled to his
    mom that I needed a tampon. he went to fetch it,
    his parents laughed at me, and then he threw it
    at me and made comments. I said it was like soo
    embarrassing, but I was more p.issed off, tbh.
    2. second boyfriend. I had my period, he knew
    I had my period (I honestly do not give two shats
    who you are, if you text me while I'm on my period
    you will know I'm on my period. I'm probably in
    pain and I want to complain.) he still asked me to
    come to his house so he could see me. sadly, that
    is all we did. he would just look at me, for hours.
    he would invite me over, and we would sit at his
    kitchen table with his mom, and I would sit in
    silence while she and him talked. one time I was
    there for like 12 hours (not even an exaggeration.
    I already have a messed up back, but that made
    it so much worse, and then he got mad at me
    when I said I wanted him to come to me more
    because sitting in those chairs for hours were
    actually painful.) anyway, I kept subtly pointing
    out the time, and how late it was, and everyone
    just ignored me. I wasn't going to stand up and
    walk out (they are a.ssholes, they probably would
    have actually yelled at me.) eventually his mom
    got sick of it and told him to walk me out already.
    when I got outside I was just like "finally! my
    tampon is on it's last legs, man. I need to get
    home. now." and he just hugs me. and talks.
    and hugs me more. and talks more. and finally
    an hour later he lets me leave. and yes it is gross,
    but I'm not kidding when I say I had blood the whole
    way down to my knees. I had to soak my pants in
    the bathtub because it was 3am and I couldn't turn
    the machine on and I didn't want to risk it staining.
    my sister is still p.issed about waking up to a tub
    full of bloody water and a pair of pants.
    I had a third story, but after typing the first two I forgot
    it, and I believe I already hit my gross quota.
    tip: don't be embarrassed about your period. embrace it.
    if anyone give you a hard time about it, just remember that
    it is normal?? like, it is nature. unless someone has a p.enis,
    they will probably (there are some other things that need to
    be factored in, so yeah, probably) get their period.


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