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Best Itssomuch Quotes This Year

  1. funkyoctopus121 funkyoctopus121
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2013 7:06pm UTC
    Mankind Is Basicailly good.
    In English we had to answer this statement before we start to read ” Night”along with other questions. I bet all of your thoughts are it isnt. I said the same thing, I said that humanity sickens me. There are so many terrible things that humans do. There are so many things. Like bullying,killing,bombing,driving someone to suicide, discrimination telling what someone should look like etc. we are all aware of this. We had to discuss this in class. many people said humanity wasnt good but one guy said iit is basically good. Even with all these bad things in the world. there still is good. its like saying that ever person in this world is evil but they arent we judge one persons horrible dead we think everything is evil but it isnt, think of all those people who help when something is wrong. For example when the bombs went off people ran towards the danger to help. That was good Humanity is good not completely but it was good. it made me think. Everyone is so caught up in the evil of the world that we dont realize the good of the world. on here that shows how good humanity is. There are good people out there even if they aren’t good. Deep down they are good. I then started thinking of Ying-Yang.The white represents that good while the Black represents the bad. The white dot in the black says there are a little bit of good in the bad and the black dot represents that bad in the good. Thats what humanity is. Humanity can be bad but there is always the good to balance it out even when things are good there are still bad things. Humans weren’t ment to be perfect. We are who we are but we will always have the good to balance out the bad. Humanity is YIng-Yang


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