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Best Imgonnagetsomuchhateforthis Quotes Today

  1. GetInMyVanItHasFreeWifi GetInMyVanItHasFreeWifi
    posted a quote
    July 29, 2013 8:40pm UTC
    So I have a couple of things on my mind to say right now...
    As some of you know, Steve blocked quotes tagged as suicide/self harm/depression from showing up on the newest quotes page. I think he's stopped that now because of a bunch of selfish b//tches complaining, but this is what he had to say about it at first:
    "Some of you have noticed that some negative quotes no longer show in the top quotes and new quotes feeds. This change was done intentionally by me for two reasons: 1) a study cited in a book I read, mentioned that when mass media publicizes a suicide, it leads to more suicides among people who can relate to the person who committed suicide. 2) When I asked why people continue to visit Witty Profiles, many mentioned it was for the funny quotes. Some mentioned specifically that they don't like reading the depressing quotes when they've come to Witty for funny quotes. The bug that I need to fix will allow users to browse through these negative quotes if they've gone out of their way to do so. I just don't want to promote these quotes and have Witty be part of a downward spiral for someone. I hope this makes sense."
    I just don't understand WHY people are complaining about it though. Firstly, Witty is a website for FUNNY AND INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES ONLY. It has always been like that and it will always be like that. It's not your diary. I've been yelled at by people because I support what Steve did, which I don't understand. I'm a recovering self harmer and I come to Witty to find things to cheer me up and motivate me. I don't want to suddenly come across quotes glamorising self harm and depression, because I, and a lot of other people, get triggered by that. Yes, you have freedom of speech etc etc. Yes, you can express yourself any way you like. But Witty is just NOT the place for that. Try websites like Tumblr, Twitter, thequietplaceproject.com, places like that where you can vent however you like and it's less likely to be seen by people who are easily triggered. Or keep a real diary yourself. OR, if you really are so passionate and determined to post it here, make a sort of story or poem out of it that isn't going to trigger people, but will help them feel better. Yeah, I know it's hard. But it's also hard for me seeing things like "I love the pain of cutting myself every night" and "People who commit suicide are beautiful" when I'm trying to get over that stuff myself. Please. Just use this website the way it's meant to be used.


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