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Iloveeeeeyouuuu Quotes

  1. mtndewhm* mtndewhm*
    posted a quote
    January 7, 2014 8:03pm UTC
    Name: Haylee
    Single or taken: Single
    Gender: Something between a girl and that thing under the stairs in The Nightmare Before Christmas
    Birthday: May 20th
    Siblings: a younger brother
    Hair color: dark brown
    Eye color: green
    Height: 5'5
    R E L A T I O N S H I P S
    Are you straight/bisexual/gay?: bi-curiuos
    Who are your best friends?: AJ, Rachel, Maddie, Cameron, and Riah. in like school.
    You have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: I already answered this
    F A S H I O N | S T U F F
    Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes: The heaven known as Hot Topic
    Any tattoos or piercings?: Ears pierced, but I want a tattoo and my lip pierced
    What is your most comfortable outfit?: jammies
    What do you usually wear?: jammies at home, skinny jeans and a band tee in public
    S P E C I F I C S
    Do you do drugs? Sometimes
    What kind of shampoo do you use? Sauve
    What are you most scared of?: Stink bugs, clowns, tight spaces, heat, being burned/drowned/dying in anyway that makes it impossible to breathe, and boats.
    What are you listening to right now?: PUNK GOES ACOUSTIC
    Who is the last person that you called?: My mom
    Who is the last person that called you?: My dad
    Where do you want to get married?: in the woods
    What would you change about yourself: I broke my finger a while ago and now it's crooked, I would like it to be straight.
    F A V O R I T E S
    Colors: blue black purple
    Foods: italian
    Movies: Struck By Lightning
    H A V E | Y O U | E V E R
    Given anyone a bath?: Nope
    Smoked?: maybe
    Bungee jumped?: no but i want to
    Made yourself throw up?: uh huh
    Skinny dipped? nope
    Ever been in love?: I thought so but idk man
    Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: yep
    Cried?: who hasnt?
    Lied?: No, and that makes me a liar (WHERE ARE MY ATL FANS)
    Fallen for your best friend?: Yep.
    Used someone?: Not without them knowing
    Done something you regret?: Oh yes
    L A S T | P E R S O N
    You left a message for: Myself
    You texted: April
    You cuddled with: MY DOG, MAX
    A R E | Y O U
    Understanding: Yeah
    Open-minded: Usually, but that depends on my mood
    Insecure: Depends on the day. Sometimes I'm like f.ck you to everyone who does anything and others I will start crying is someone loos at me weird
    Hungry: Always
    Moody: Nah, not right now anyway
    Hard working: Can be
    Organized: No.
    Healthy: Nope
    Difficult: Oh yes
    Bored easily: Nah
    Angry: Not right now
    Sad: Meh, always a little
    Happy: Yeah
    Hyper: Nope
    Trusting: Meh, sometimes


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