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Iguessmypointisthatyoucanbesaved Quotes

  1. * Sabaism * * Sabaism *
    posted a quote
    October 30, 2013 8:39am UTC
    Confession #58
    How about the day I met him?
    Story time #9?
    I was going through a hard time
    Because like this girl who was my best friend
    Like we were dating and I honestly thought I loved her and all
    And she like broke up with me for like no reason at all
    My mum plays a role in this story, but let's skip talking about that.
    I just had to go, y'know. I knew it was my time but if I stayed here, Raven would find me.
    So I ran to the air port and bought a ticket to go to Japan.
    Why Japan?
    I picked Japan because there's this suicide forest, Aokigahara
    And in that forest, once you go in you'll more or less never go out
    So, running home I planned to write out my goodbyes.
    I only got online to say goodbye to my friends.
    Well, not exactly goodbye,
    More like tell them I was going a way for a while
    They wouldn't have noticed I was gone anyway.
    I didn't really know people on Witty, so I figured it didn't matter.
    That's when a friend introduced us.
    I fought like Hell to get her to not
    I mean, I would be dead in a few days, I don't want new friends.
    But she forced me.
    Everything about him was perfect
    Like my impression of him now hasn't changed from what it was then.
    He like instantly cared about me
    And I instantly fell in love.
    He saved my life
    This isn't even the only time he saved me.
    He just doesn't know about the others.
    Hell, I doubt he knows about this
    But I do owe him everything
    If needed, I'd sacrifice myself for him
    Granted, I'd do it anyway
    But like
    I just owe him so much
    And I know I'll never be able to truly repay him
    I mean, he saved my life. I'd be dead if not for him.
    But I know we have a lifetime a head of us so I'll do as much as I can, y'know.


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