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Best Hans Quotes Today

  1. Amenah Amenah
    posted a quote
    February 5, 2014 3:17pm UTC
    Frozen means so much to me. I could never explain it to you; I can't even explain it to myself. It just touches some deep, personal part of me that nothing else can.
    It's the way Elsa and I both crave the same freedom, and are too guilty and scared to chase it. It's how we're both willing to Let It Go and leave the past behind to become something entirely new - how isolation is worth that desperate freedom. It's how our guilt kills us. It's how we escape.
    It's the way Hans' past has scarred him and created so much hate in him. It's how we'd both go to such evil lengths to find some peace - to show them that they don't own us. It's how we both feel we deserve so much damn more. It's how no one really ever gets it, and probably never will.
    It's Anna's love - love for fun, love for family, love for herself, love for love. It's her bravery, and her determination, and her adorable outlook. It's her acceptance and her ability to understand, and how she feels like home. It's how carefree and wise she is - because she has had to learn that even if bad things happen, you need to focus on the good. It's how she knows that life is to be enjoyed.
    It's losing your parents, hurting your loved ones, hating yourself. It's breaking free and running away and finding courage. It's escape and guilt and growth and pain and love. It's letting people down, and it's second chances. It's about releasing and forgiving yourself.
    Hell, it's something I can't describe. But it's there, and it doesn't make sense, and I just love Frozen a serious freaking lot. #emotionalwreckandlovingit

  2. Jillian Marie* Jillian Marie*
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2014 9:30pm UTC
    How to get a girl:
    1. Show up at her sister’s coronation.
    2. Act like you’re really into her.
    3. Come up with a sad backstory .
    4. Propose to her.
    5. Try to murder her sister.
    6. Reveal that you were never in love with her and that your love was really a plot to try and claim her kingdom for your own.
    Works every time, I promise!

  3. Delusionalpieceofdust  * Delusionalpieceofdust *
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2013 4:21am UTC
    “But a mermaid has no tears, and therefore she suffers so much more.”
    -Hans Christian Andersen, The Little Mermaid

  4. kelly* kelly*
    posted a quote
    January 22, 2014 1:17am UTC
    “some people are worth melting for”

  5. 365days* 365days*
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2014 5:28pm UTC
    Him: D'you want to know something crazy?
    Me: Please Andrew, not again
    Him: I love crazy
    Me: Please don-

  6. elsa elsa
    posted a quote
    April 17, 2014 10:31am UTC
    If i disappear tonight, promise me one thing,
    that you'll love my dear sister, and you better do it Hans,
    you say love is an open door, well thats what you sing.
    so love her, and treat her well, you may give her a wedding ring.
    but if you love her, then leave her, dying at your knees,
    just remember one thing; i will make your heart freeze.


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