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  1. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2014 11:20pm UTC
    "being fat is unhealthy.."
    k. but you know what? mental health
    is just as important as physical health,
    and f.ucking telling someone they'd be
    so much better off dropping a couple
    of pounds f.ucks with their mental
    health. honestly, when I was in school,
    I didn't eat. I didn't drink anything. I put
    nothing near my mouth, because I
    f.ucking knew a.ssholes would just
    be like "aaaayyye, the fatty is eating."
    so, I pretty much starved myself until
    4-5pm every single day. is that healthy?
    no. I still don't eat in front of anyone. I'll
    eat in front of my friend but that is it. I
    won't even eat in front of my cousins
    because they both have called me
    names that have to do with my weight.
    is that healthy? I f.ucking doubt it.
    like, do you think it's healthy to go to
    bed thinking you're just some piece
    of s.hit because you weigh more than
    you should? thinking that you're some
    disgusting person? do you think it's
    healthy to wake up hating yourself? do
    you think it's healthy to go to bed, hating
    yourself? it's not f.ucking healthy. it's
    mentally unhealthy, and it's just as
    important as physical health.
    *I know when someone makes a quote
    about weight, people with the opposite
    body type comment talking about all the
    body shaming they have to deal with. I'd
    just like to say, I have not skinny shamed,
    I will not skinny shame. I'm not about that.
    this quote isn't about that. this is about
    body shaming I can relate to, and is to
    the idiots that use health as a reason to
    ruin someone's mental health. I just want
    to clear that up just in case anyone decides
    to comment accusing me of shaming
    those with different body types than mine,
    because if it comes off that way, then you
    either took it way wrong or I typed something


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