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Best Goddesses Quotes This Month

  1. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2017 9:16pm UTC
    Athena says:
    “My darlings, fear not the fire of change. Let it burn away the old to bring growth. It hurts, but it is necessary for new life.”
    Aphrodite says:
    “Dear ones, dance when you realize your self worth is in your own hands and rooted in your feet.”
    Hecate says:
    “Witches, do not fear the unknown. For today was the future only a moment ago.”
    Artemis says:
    “Hunt for who you are, in the deepest parts of your ribs. This is holy.”
    Hera says:
    “Children, make mistakes and come to terms with them. Learning comes with sacrifice.”
    Persephone says:
    “choice is a fickle thing and many will attempt to rewrite your story. Be who you are, choose yourself. Change only when the growth is good for you.”
    Hestia says:
    “Babies, may you light your hearth where your chosen family lies, and do not believe the falsehood that you are trapped by blood.”

  2. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2017 3:11am UTC

    the gods are not dead. when men speak to me like i can’t read, i feel athena awaken somewhere in my bone structure. her mouth spits words i had forgotten i memorized, facts from the deep pockets of libraries. she revels in the way they stutter at the quickness of my tongue, whispers, here’s what it feels to be above the cities. i know demeter for the way i feel in dirt, i catch sunlight in my palms and beg people to be disgusted at girl unhaunted by pretty, my hair a mess and my legs hairy and my body thick. i’ve kissed aphrodite, i’ve met her not in l.ust only but in the girl who listens like she is tied to your soul. she comes out and we go dancing, unashamed of our sexuality. i have even been her, once or twice, on rare moons where the stars aligned. i know the rage of artemis. i hunt those who hurt my sisters, i slay demons, i run in night with red lips. and i am persephone, always, goddess of the spring, goddess of the pomegranate, of wanting, of riding her own horse to hades, of being two queens. when men take power from me, i hear her whispering. take it back, she says, tongue sweet, ambrosia in the blood stream, take back your city.
    — the gods are not dead. they live in women. they live in me.


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