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Best Formatting Quotes Ever

  1. br0kenwings br0kenwings
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2013 10:45pm UTC
    When people start to over-use a really ugly format
    and you're just sitting there like,
    no. just no.

  2. *Tori Leigh* *Tori Leigh*
    posted a quote
    September 20, 2013 9:23am UTC
    Someone teach me how to make pretty quotes.
    because I've got some deep shiz down inside here...
    somewhere... o.o
    deep inside... O.O
    needing releasement in the form of art and quotes.
    Wittians, teach me your ways.
    Like, SRSLY man.
    My shiz is boring.
    I need it nice and dramatic.

  3. cocopuffs cocopuffs
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2014 1:47pm UTC
    I’m right here,
    when you
    gonna realise
    that I’m your
    C U R E,
    heartbreak girl

  4. Alpaca Prophet * Alpaca Prophet *
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2016 12:41pm UTC
    As someone who has never had cancer I hold the song
    "Cancer" by My Chemical Romance very close to my
    heart. Because it means something different for me, It
    means a place, a moment. A scene I dreamt over and
    over in my head when I wanted to pull a trigger or
    overdose. I played that song because I had something
    in common with the imaginary person who has cancer
    in that story: I felt close to death and wanted to say
    goodbye to everyone i loved. For years I've held that song
    tightly in my heart because no other song has ever
    described what I feel in those moments like that one.
    Not because I like sad songs, if that were the case I'd
    just listen to Mayday Parade. But this song is different,
    It's exectly what I would say if I was desperate and suicidal.
    I'd feel like my body is broken, weary, pale and faded.
    I'd feel that I need to say goodbye to those I love, and I
    would not kiss the person I truely love because it would
    only make it harder to leave.

    So I guess it's not the most relatable song to me, since I
    don't actualy have Cancer, my lips aren't chapped and
    faded from being poisoned from chemo. But at the same
    time it's more relatable to me than any other song. And it's
    been with me for a long time like an old friend. I know it
    well and it's changed along with me, sharing moments
    and feelings together. While those moments were
    dangerous they impacted me and listening to that song
    everytime has sometimes kept me alive. Strange I know.
    But I love that song more than any other, because it's the
    one that s stuck with me the longest and provided
    sanctuary when nothing else could.

  5. basorexia* basorexia*
    posted a quote
    May 14, 2015 7:28pm UTC
    Hi, I'm new to this formatting thing. Can someone teach me how to put text on an image and not underneath it? Sorry, I'm a noob at this.

  6. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    November 8, 2015 10:41pm UTC
    I'm tolerable a solid 35% of the time.and I'm okay with that.. although, it hasdrastically dropped. maaan, I used to beso chill. no I have like.. 35% chill.


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