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  1. iloveu4ever51 iloveu4ever51
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2013 9:37pm UTC
    Dangerous Chapter Seventeen
    ♦ Allison's P.O.V ♦
    Abbey read the text outloud as we all glanced at each other.The text S had sent was shocking us all.Now I knew this file was important to them.Abbey panickingly said,"We have to destroy the file!"As she tried grabbing the file from my hands.
    "No.We could use this against S!"I exclaimed.
    "Did you not see the text?If we don't destroy the file then ....Iesha will get destroyed!"Abbey argued.
    "Wait guys what happens if this is a trap?"Honey pondered.
    "Then....we need to find out who S is."I said.
    "Yeah but how?It's impossible."Abbey saying the facts.
    "We'll find out a way...Meanwhile this file.. needs to be inspected so I'll go home and do it."I said putting the files in my purse.
    "Yeah I guess but be careful Alli anyone can be taken now."Honey warned.
    "Yeah take care Alli."She said and hugged me.They both left as I stared at the file wondering if we would get any answers.My phone vibrated once as I clicked on the message.
    Looking for answers then go to 1243 Main Street.But your not safe if you don't give me the file then....the police will find out..-S
    I clicked on the link as I saw Honey and I in the morgue section.Chills crept up my spine as I realized someone was watching us.Should I even go to the street S sent?What happens if I didnt?I scurried along to the street as doubts crept into my mind.As the shadows crept around my thoughts returned to the file.Where was page 3?Soon enough I arrived at the street wondering where I was supposed to go.Vacant buildings were build around until I reached the end of the street.A lonely looking store stood their but I saw the rusty sign that said it was open.Since none of the other stores were open I went in the creepy looking store.When I walked in I saw it was covered in messages,pictures,and videos of us.There was a computer in one area of the room as I sat down.The computer whirred on as I clicked on to the files.What I saw made me question everything.Millions of videos of us hanging out was downloaded on this computer.Fear creeped up because who knows who was watching me.I took out my laptop as I downloaded all the content into my laptop.Just then when I was almost done with the downloading I heard foosteps.Quickly looking around I hid in the closet when the downloading was complete.
    I came home putting my purse in the closet so no one saw it.I changed into shorts and a shirt as I saw Jace downstairs talking with my grandma.
    "Hey...grandma I was going to jog but..."I awkwardly trailed off.
    "Honey I asked Jace to train you here so it's safer for you."my grandma said as I stared at her like she grew two horns in that moment.
    "Yeah Alli so lets start training."Jace said grinning.
    "See you guys later I left snacks on the counter if you get hungary."She said and left.
    "Why are you here?"I demanded the minute my grandma left.
    "To train you?"He said with a duhhh voice.
    "No seriously Jace I don't want to play your game okay?I'm just tired."I said rudely.
    "Hey look I promise I won't do anything."He said.
    "Fine."I said as we started training.We trained for hours until I took a break and sat down.Huddling up in the corner I felt tears sliding down my cheek.I felt like rescuing Iesha and Lauren was riding on my shoulders.I missed my grandma but now stupid Jace was looking at me.
    "Hey you okay?"He asked sitting next to me.
    "I fervantly wiped my tear away."Yeah why wouldn't I be?"
    "Look Alli I know it's hard losing someone and thinking only if you did this.I lost my older brother when I was 10.I was playing when I saw him take medicine pills.At that time I didn't know what to say but when he didn't wake up I panicked.It was too late but I could have done something."He said in a rush as I stared at him.Was this Jace?
    "I'm sorry."I said bowing my head down.
    "For what?"he asked.
    "For judging you.I thought you were a typical guy who only cared for well sports and flirting.."I trailed off.
    "Well then I'm whole differnt world."He said.
    "Yeah I guess."I said as my phone buzzed again.
    Cozing up with Jace?What do you think he will think of you when he finds out you stole a file?-S
    "What's wrong?"he asked.
    "Nothing just my friend saying we have a test."I lied.
    "Yeah well Alli I wanted to ask you something."He said nervously.
    "What?"I said.
    "Well do you want to go on a date with me?"He asked.
    "Hmmm."I said looking at him as he fidgeted around.
    "Yes or no?"He asked.I kissed him which was a daring move of mine.
    "Does that answer your question?"I said teasingly.
    "Yeah.."He seemed out of breath.He kissed me again until their was a knock on the door.
    "Ahem ."Abbey said.Jace and I broke off quickly as she grinned.
    "Hey Abbs what's up?"I asked.
    "Remember the notes?"She said as realization struck me.
    "Oh yeah."I said getting up as Jace glanced at us both.
    "Well I guess I gotta run."Jace said.
    "What was all that about?"Abbey said.Just then our phones vibrated as we picked them up.
    Hurry and give me the file before you lose a friend -S
    "Hey I got a text and I-"Honey was cut off as she saw Abbey.
    "We got them too."Abbey said.
    "What do we do?"I asked.Our phones vibrated again as we looked at the new text.
    Tommorrow at the grave 10pm sharp be there or..-S
    A/N:Looks like Alli is getting trouble now.All aboard the trouble express.Will these girls find out the truth?Or is a gamble they will have to play?Anybody wondering what's up with Lauren and Iesha?Who do you think S will take down next?4 girls but one dangerous game...

  2. TheCovertComic TheCovertComic
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2016 1:39am UTC
    All files are temp files.


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