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Best Fangirlproblems Quotes This Year

  1. Hogwartian Hogwartian
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2013 11:52am UTC
    lllll Fangirl Problems: lllll
    It had been over a year since Gale had last spoken
    to Katniss. He finally brought himself to this ancient
    payphone, phonebook in hand. Anticipation filled his body.
    Quickly, he turned to the "E"s, scanning
    the pages for her name. It wasn't there.
    A sudden wave of realization hit Gale,
    drowning him. He closed his eyes as his fingers
    numbly flipped further through the book. It took all the
    courage he could muster to open his eyes.
    There, on the "M" page, was her name.
    Katniss Mellark.
    A sharp pain pierced his chest and he let out
    an almost incomprehensible gasp. With his lips still
    slightly parted and a warm, lone tear sliding down
    his cheek, Gale put the phone book down,
    never to use one again.

  2. Hogwartian Hogwartian
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2013 4:43pm UTC
    lllll Fangirl Problems: lllll
    what if there's a parallel universe
    where fictional characters are real
    and real people are fictional characters
    and your favorite character runs a blog
    and writes fanfic about you

  3. carson5482 carson5482
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2013 9:12pm UTC
    Friend: My ovaries are killing me.
    Me: Woman problems or fangirl problems?

  4. Hogwartian Hogwartian
    posted a quote
    May 14, 2013 6:15pm UTC
    lllll Fangirl Problems: lllll
    Those inexplicable (and infuriating)
    crushes on fictional characters.

  5. Hogwartian Hogwartian
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2013 12:11pm UTC
    lllll Fangirl Problems: lllll
    Gale was a ruthless murderer who
    intentionally killed innocent children
    and swam in the blood of a
    thousand slaughtered kittens,
    laughing with glee all the way.
    Cato was a precious misunderstood snowflake,
    come here my darling angel.

  6. taytay8056 taytay8056
    posted a quote
    July 12, 2013 9:13pm UTC
    I don't know what's worse, being in love with a fictional character or being in love with a celebrity.
    But I mean, at least with a fictional character you know it will never happen. With a celebrity there's a tiny part of your brain wearing a tin foil hat, slowly rocking back and forth, and quietly whispering "It could still happen."

  7. thedeverauxprincess thedeverauxprincess
    posted a quote
    August 31, 2015 2:36am UTC
    that scary moment when you forget your password and you can't log into netflix

  8. Everybodydotheflop Everybodydotheflop
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2013 3:21pm UTC
    My life would be so much easier if I could fangirl in the real world like I do on the internet

  9. bettyann123 bettyann123
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2013 12:08pm UTC
    me: this book brutally ripped out my heart and tore it to shreds then stomped it into the ground as I drowned in a sea of my own tears and basked in eternal sorrow
    me: here read it

  10. lithium* lithium*
    posted a quote
    June 15, 2013 10:47am UTC
    Me while clearing my internet history: I REGRET NOTHING


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