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Best Dumbgirls Quotes This Month

  1. capsized* capsized*
    posted a quote
    November 18, 2013 4:04pm UTC
    Can we talk about cyber bullying for just a minute?
    I have one question for anyone who has ever said anything nasty\cruel\rude\despicable to another person over the internet.
    What did you gain?
    What did you gain from calling that one girl fat?
    Or telling that one boy he's a "F a g g o t" ?
    Or telling that group of kids to go kill themselves?
    What did you earn from that, besides some bad karma?
    Did it make you feel good about yourself?
    Did you feel like ruler of the world for a little while?
    What happens when that feeling of power vanishes after that five seconds?
    What do you do then? Go find someone else to put down?
    It's an endless cycle, you'll never actually have power.
    Being mean, you actually lose power.
    But by being nice, and doing what's right, you'll gain respect and friends.
    I was cyber bullied today, here on Witty, you can go look in my comments. You can go to the one girl's profile and see what I wrote to her cause chriswebbylover42069 deleted my comments cause she knows she's wrong.
    If someone is cyber bullying you, tell someone, and if it doesn't stop, call the cops.
    But most of all, never contemplate taking your life because some bïtch/douche told you to. Chances are, her life's even more pathetic than yours seems to be. IT WILL GET BETTER. And those rude and offensive people, might end up being the ones pumping your gas, cleaning your toilets, or bringing you coffee and donuts later in the future. And always embrace your flaws and own them.
    "Oh my god your nose is huge!"
    "I know, right?! It's like a beak! I'm gonna go crack open some nuts with it. Later!"
    You're you for a reason,and to me, who you are right now is pretty damn spectacular.

  2. epictacos epictacos
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2013 1:45am UTC
    I went shopping today and I saw this girl with a Rolling Stones t-shirt on. So naturally I wanted to have a conversation with her about music.... I didn't exactly get that........ at all..
    Me: I love the Rolling Stones; they're great.
    Girl: Huh??
    Girl: *looks down at her shirt* Oh. Yeah.. Rolling Stones.. It's a great movie.
    Me: ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

  3. Just_A_Little_Too_Addicted Just_A_Little_Too_Addicted
    posted a quote
    February 8, 2013 8:25pm UTC
    Dumb Girl:
    30 Likes and Me and My friend will go out into
    the snow for an hour in bathing suits.. then we'll
    post a video.
    18 hours ago · comment · like
    69 people like this
    Me : Lol it's your funeral.
    2 hours ago ·80 people like this

  4. Fecondo75 Fecondo75
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2013 5:07pm UTC
    Say it to my face. I f*cking dare you.

  5. KKayla KKayla
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2013 9:51pm UTC
    It makes me so angry when people want to do things, just so they can letter in them.
    Lettering isnt everything.
    Do things you love.

  6. Ashleyray123 Ashleyray123
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2014 11:01pm UTC
    Some girls are such airheads, I wonder how they don't just float away from all the lack of non-thoughts and air in their heads


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