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Best Driving Quotes This Month

  1. pigglywiggly pigglywiggly
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2013 9:39am UTC
    drivinG home.
    i looked out at all the cars, and i thought about all the people in them. and then i thought about their lives, where they’re going, what they’re thinking about. their memories, their childhood, their worries or their anxieties. i thought about how each and every person driving in each and every car has somewhere they want to go, and each and every person lives a life that means the world to them because it’s all they have. and then i felt really weird. because i look around and realize just how insignificant my life is. how i spend all this time worrying or even just continuing to live, when i am just another person in a car.

  2. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2014 10:15pm UTC
    I had a driving lesson today and I was behind a car at a red light and it was really obvious the guy in front of us was texting so my driving instructor honked the horn. So, right after she honked the light turned green but the guy didn't move. Instead, he got out of his car and came over and started yelling at me because he thought it was me and that's the story on how I thought someone was going to kill me on a driving lesson.

  3. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    October 15, 2013 12:39pm UTC
    so a week ago i got my permit and how do they expect me to drive between the lines when i can't even color between the lines.

  4. capsized* capsized*
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2014 7:52pm UTC
    why do old people drive slow ?
    they barely have any time left like
    GOOOOO ur dying

  5. ShortGirlsDoItBetter ShortGirlsDoItBetter
    posted a quote
    February 8, 2013 5:00pm UTC
    The fact that I can't even take
    my own daughter sledding
    because of the driving restrictions<<<<

  6. writtenrain* writtenrain*
    posted a quote
    March 12, 2013 3:41pm UTC
    Police: Texting while driving is a distraction
    Police: *Uses radio, radar, dash cam, and laptop*

  7. SecretlyBrokenAndSilentlyHoping SecretlyBrokenAndSilentlyHoping
    posted a quote
    November 3, 2013 9:58am UTC
    I press harder on the gas
    until the house is out of sight.
    You're out of my rearview mirrors
    like you should be out of my life.

  8. Shorty_Helps Shorty_Helps
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2013 6:04pm UTC
    Oh I almost forgot, so yesterday I was driving in my car on my way to my grandma’s with the windows rolled down and I was playing my music pretty loud and I was stopped at a stop light and then I hear someone shouting in my direction loudly and I look over and the woman in the car next to mine was yelling towards me and I was like “dang it oh no she’s yelling at me for my loud music and this is going to a really awkward and uncomfortable and possibly vicious public confrontation my day is ruined.” And instead she was like “I REALLY LIKE THIS SONG, WAS STATION ARE YOU LISTENING TO?” and then I was ‘oh good crisis avoided’ and “I’M NOT LISTENING TO THE RADIO IT’S A CD. I’M LISTENING TO GOTYE.” And she was like, “IS THAT THE BAND?” And I was like, “YEAH.” And she was like “OH THANK YOU SO MUCH I REALLY LIKE THIS. HAVE A GREAT DAY!” and I was like “YOU TOO.” and she was like “THANKS” and the light turned green and she drove away and it was pretty great and then I was in a good mood the rest of the day. That is my story the end.

  9. jennyracinggirl jennyracinggirl
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2013 7:23pm UTC
    I cant wait till i get my License just so that i can drive and pick up my best friend whenever we need eachother and need to get away and just talk to eachother and listen cry, listen to country music or just scream. November cant come soon enough and then i can get my truck

  10. kby246 kby246
    posted a quote
    October 4, 2013 9:49pm UTC
    One of the worst things to experience
    Is crying while driving.
    Not only are you all alone
    But your eyes get all blurry
    You cant wipe the tears from your eyes
    You start speeding up
    You loose your surroundings
    and forget about where you are
    You worry about everyone passing by
    Hoping they cant see the pain you are carrying
    But worst of all,
    You realize how much danger you put yourself in
    But you just do not care anymore

  11. capsized* capsized*
    posted a quote
    May 24, 2013 11:10am UTC
    If I stop my car
    so you can cross, I better see some hustle. KNEES TO CHEST, B×TCH,

  12. josie* josie*
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2013 2:27pm UTC
    I'm not saying
    i hate you,
    I'm saying if you got hit
    by a bus, i'd be
    driving the bus.

  13. polaroidmgc* polaroidmgc*
    posted a quote
    December 12, 2014 8:22pm UTC
    Me driving:@pedestrians ugh get off the damn street why would you walk in front of a moving car
    Me as a pedestrian:hit me dude i dare you hit me I want you to pay my tuition

  14. MaryPenguin MaryPenguin
    posted a quote
    April 21, 2013 5:42pm UTC
    Mom: (driving) is that guy going to leave his blinker on all day?
    Sister: What? I didn't even realize it was on.
    Mom: that's because it was very dim. Just like the driver.

  15. Chris* Chris*
    posted a quote
    October 1, 2013 3:21pm UTC
    I have flipped off two people while driving in the past 4 days and I honestly think my road rage is getting way out of control.

  16. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    June 16, 2013 10:58pm UTC
    That awkward moment when
    you drive past your crush's house
    and your family can't control themselves
    enough to not yell "omg! look! look! look! he's outside!"

  17. justanothergirl529 justanothergirl529
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2013 5:28pm UTC
    So i have AWESOME news:)

  18. BringLaurenTheHorizon BringLaurenTheHorizon
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2013 9:25pm UTC
    *In the car*
    Dad: *driving* Oh my gosh, I almost ran over a turtle!
    Dad: You can't just do that Lauren. That's just taking it out of its natural habitat! That's just like some stranger picking you up off the street and keeping you!
    Philip: yeah! He's probably going to go smoke some turtle weed wih his friends! You'd ne ruining a good time for the little guy!
    Me and Dad: ....

  19. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2014 10:46pm UTC
    the amount of people I've almost hit
    since I've gotten my license is alarming.
    and it's not because I'm a bad driver, it's
    because I'm surrounded by morons. like,
    there are more people darting into the
    middle of the road than there are poor
    adorable animals. ugh, idiots.

  20. bone bone
    posted a quote
    October 24, 2013 7:31pm UTC
    I will not be a good
    driver. I swear I'm going
    to see a cute guy and like
    flip the car.


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