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Best Directioner Quotes This Year

  1. MissTomlinson MissTomlinson
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2013 8:22pm UTC
    If Taylor and Harry were still together and I saw them:
    Taylor and Harry: *making out*
    Me: *gasp*
    Taylor and Harry: *look at me*
    Me: You're that guy from that Pepsi commercial and you're all like "and I'm Herreh!" I love that commercial!
    Harry: Err, thanks.
    Me: And you! You're the one that dated Joe Jonas and Lucas Till!
    Taylor: *nods and smiles*
    Me: And Taylor Lautner! Oh, and John Mayer and Jake Gyllenhaal!!
    Taylor: *stands there awkwardly*
    Me: Oh! And that guy from Glee, umm, Cory Montieth! OHH and Zac Efron! And Eddie Redmayne!
    Taylor: Uh...
    Me: Oh, and I can't forget Connor Kennedy!! ...Dang, that's a lot of guys... *looks at Harry* Good luck, bro.
    Not meant to offend either swifties or directioners. just thought it was funny. Follow me and I'll follow back, duh.

  2. MissTomlinson MissTomlinson
    posted a quote
    February 7, 2013 5:11pm UTC
    Niall Horan: I hate it when girls act stupid because they think it's cute. Intelligence is attractive.
    Me: One particle of unobtanium has a nuclear reaction with a flux capacitor, carry the two, change it's atomic isotope into a raioactive spider. follow for a follow.

  3. MissTomlinson MissTomlinson
    posted a quote
    March 10, 2013 4:45pm UTC
    Me: Sometimes I just want to drag Harry into an empty hotel room, throw him down on a bed, straddle his thighs, rip his shirt off and MAKE HIM EXPLAIN EVERY DANG ONE OF HIS TATTOOS BECAUSE I CAN'T HANDLE THE SUSPENSE.
    Harry: Well... I thought we were going somewhere else there...
    follow for a follow

  4. MissTomlinson MissTomlinson
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 7:36pm UTC
    One Direction as principles scolding a student:
    Niall: Never do that again! Do you understand how ba-- *lunch bell rings* GET OUTTA THE WAY! *pushes kid over and runs to cafeteria*
    Harry: So basically, erm... so... like, you can't... do that...
    Zayn: You need to keep your hands and feet inside the roller coaster that is life next time, okay?
    Liam: Okay, I know you made a woopsy, but be good next time. Oh my, that was so harsh! I'm sorry! You know what? Here's a lollipop. And a sticker. And a golden star sticker for you! Run along now, precious little honey bunches of oats.
    Louis: Do you even know who I am? Huh?? And you're gonna talk back to me!? Uh, not in my house, b/tch. Not in my house.

  5. MissTomlinson MissTomlinson
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2013 5:47pm UTC
    Interviewer: Who is your favorite singer?
    Niall: Justin Bieber.
    Harry: Adele.
    Zayn: Bruno Mars.
    Liam: Bruno Mars.
    Louis: Harry Styles.
    follow for a follow.

  6. MissTomlinson MissTomlinson
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2013 10:13pm UTC
    One Direction Insults:
    Louis: Boys with as/es like mine don't talk to girls with faces like yours.
    Harry: I care about you like Niall cares about childbirth.
    Niall: I can make your girl scream louder just by clicking the follow button.
    Zayn: Your face is as ugly as mine is sexy.
    Liam: I know you are but what am I!!

  7. MissTomlinson MissTomlinson
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2013 5:17pm UTC
    What One Direction sings in the shower:
    Liam: Sunshine, lollipops, rainbows everywhere!
    Zayn: I'm sexy and I know it!
    Harry: It's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes!
    Louis: G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S, yeeeaaaaah!
    Niall: Ba da da da da, I'm lovin' it!!
    follow for a follow. <3

  8. MissTomlinson MissTomlinson
    posted a quote
    February 18, 2013 7:07pm UTC
    follow for a follow
    Don't cha wish your boyfriend was
    an internationally famous band
    member that you've never met
    and is totally out of your league
    and doesn't even live in your
    country and is not aware of your
    existance at all
    like mine?

  9. MissTomlinson MissTomlinson
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2013 9:39pm UTC
    "My favorite one in the group
    was Zayn, until he stole my
    meal. Now Harry is my
    -Niall Horan

  10. MissTomlinson MissTomlinson
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2013 3:49pm UTC
    Drew: Com on kid, just give me the Pepsi.
    Niall: Heck naw, it's mine! I saw it first!
    Drew: Kid, I'm Drew Brees.
    Niall: Niall don't care. You ain't touchin' my Pepsi!
    Drew: ....Can't we at least share it?
    Niall: NIALL HORAN DOESN'T SHARE!!! Besides, it's too late. You can have the can.
    Drew: What?! How did you drink that whole thing!? I've been talking to you this whole time!

  11. MissTomlinson MissTomlinson
    posted a quote
    February 18, 2013 4:47pm UTC
    Zayn: Tell me I'm a screwed up mess.
    Me: You're a screwed up mess.
    Zayn: that I never listen, listen.
    Me: You never listen... uh.. listen...
    Zayn: Tell me you don't want my kiss.

  12. MissTomlinson MissTomlinson
    posted a quote
    February 18, 2013 4:43pm UTC
    Phase 1: Oh, these guys are cute. Hm, looks like their in a band from the UK. I should look them up...
    Phase 2: Wow, this song is like.. amazing. More!
    Phase 3: I just spent all night listening to all of their songs... now what..?
    Phase 4: Ooooo, what's this?? Video diaries? Should be interesting.
    *Later* God, it's getting late.. Oh well. Next video.
    Phase 5: Oh my god, they're all so cute and adorable and funny!
    Louis so silly, Harry is sexy, Zayn's mysterious, Niall's adorable and Liam is so sweet!!
    It should be illegal to be that attractive!!!
    Phase 6: I need to follow ALL the fan blogs!!!
    Twitter: Follow the boys.
    Facebook: Like fan pages.
    Tumblr: More fan pages.
    Youtube: Subscribe to OneDirectionVevo.
    Sweet Jesus, I need you all in my life!
    How can you be so talented, funny, and good looking!? Impossible!!
    Forget you and your amazing voices!!!
    I'm sorry, come back!!!!
    ...I regret nothing.
    follow for a follow.

  13. MissTomlinson MissTomlinson
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2013 8:08pm UTC
    Imagine this;
    You're at the club and you're dancing as sexy as you can.
    You feel someone come up behind you.
    They wrap their arms around your waist and begin dancing with you.
    You can feel their curls against your neck,
    and they whisper in your ear,
    "I want you so bad right now, love."
    You turn around to look at them and it is
    Susan Boyle.
    follow for a follow.

  14. MissTomlinson MissTomlinson
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 6:14pm UTC
    If Liam wasn't sent home the first time...
    If Zayn gave up at boot camp...
    If Niall had gotten a "no" from Katy Perry...
    If Harry decided to wait a year...
    If Louis was too scared to be rejected...
    There would be no One Direction.
    Scary thought. We are so lucky.
    Follow for a follow.

  15. MissTomlinson MissTomlinson
    posted a quote
    May 7, 2013 7:16pm UTC
    Paul: Louis, you're late.
    Louis: A queen is never late. Everyone else is simply.. early.

  16. MissTomlinson MissTomlinson
    posted a quote
    February 18, 2013 6:43pm UTC
    My love for One Direction is as big as
    -Harry's hands
    -Louis' bum
    -Zayn's ego
    -Niall's appetite
    -Liam's heart

    follow for a follow

  17. cheeeeeer cheeeeeer
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2013 9:51pm UTC
    Some kid in my class: Hey what direction do five gay boys walk in?
    Me: Grab four of your friends and let's see.
    Class: Oooooohhh...
    I feel really good today.

  18. MissTomlinson MissTomlinson
    posted a quote
    March 4, 2013 11:12pm UTC
    Fan: *to Harry* Harry, how's your crowned jewels today?
    Harry: Wait, what did you say? I missed it!
    Fan: How's your crowned jewels today after being hit by the shoe?
    Harry: *grinning* Erm... alright.
    follow for a follow

  19. EmilyxLovesxU EmilyxLovesxU
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2013 5:52am UTC
    Jade Anderson was only 14
    Just a normal teenage girl.
    She lived in Manchester and got killed by feral dogs just the other day.
    Jade was a Directioner and it was her funeral yesterday.
    She was carried into the church in a pink coffin to 'WMYB'
    Her friends and family wore shirts that said:
    "rip Jade" and "Justice for Jade"
    &had a picture of the boys on the back.
    Notes were left for her saying things like:
    'The world's biggest One Direction fan'
    She was buried with her not yet used concert tickets
    And a signed picture of the boys.
    She never got to meet them and
    she's never going to see them again.
    So next time your complaining,
    about not being able to meet the boys,
    Just be thankful that there is hope in the future
    And just take a minute to remember Jade
    And how lucky you really are.

  20. littledirectionerchristian* littledirectionerchristian*
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2013 6:57pm UTC
    If you are a Directioner, comment on this quote. If you are not a Directioner, then why are you reading this??


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