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Dingdong Quotes

  1. detentionseries detentionseries
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2013 1:04pm UTC
    day one: chapter one
    I woke up to a ding-dong echoing around the house, and my brother gone.
    When our parents died, my older brother was 18 and I was 13. We lived with an aunt for awhile, but then he got a steady job and I'm now under his custody.
    He has his own apartment nearby, he's quite successful running his firm, and has quite a steady income flow, and since we didn't want to sell/rent the house, he let me live here and he checks up on me a few times a week. Unusual for a 16 year old..
    But it was 8A.M on a Friday, I was on vacation and I was being woken up.I went downstairs and peeked through the peephole, just to see Mark on the other side.
    I opened the door. "What?" I asked.
    "It's day one!" He exclaimed, all excited. "And you look like you woke up drunk on a couch."
    He pushed himself past me into the house. "Hey, I never agreed to this." I complained.
    "You never disagreed, either, and as far as I care, silence means consent." He continued, sitting in the kitchen.
    I sighed and threw him a green apple. "I'll make breakfast after I shower."
    I spent the next 10 minutes in the shower, then threw on some harlem pants and a tank top.
    "That was fast." I heard Mark state sarcastically.
    I opened the freezer and pulled out some frozen brownies, and set them to defrost in the microwave.
    "So what's the plan for today?" I questioned.
    "We're going to the beach." He said. "To the boardwalk."
    "Boardwalks are lame.. And mainstream." I replied, serving us each two brownies, and gaining a smirk from him.
    "These are nice." He said smiling.
    We left the house after awhile, and walked to the beach. I only had driving lessons next month, and Mark's car was in the mechanic, apparently.
    I kept staring at him whilst walking there. I don't know why, nor how my eyes kept finding their way right back to him, but there was something about this boy..
    Something worth discovering. He was so mysterious, yet so.. Captivating. And I hated to admit it, but I loved it.
    We got to the beach after around thirty minutes, and sat on the sand for a bit, not even talking. Just sitting.
    "I feel weird." He started.
    "Weird how?" I questioned.
    "I feel like I'm made of tiny hot ice cubes, and my heart's pounding." He continued. "I'm not sure whether I'm sick, or just really excited to be with you."
    "It's the brownies." I said, then burst out laughing.
    He sat up, and his eyes widened. "You drugged me!?" he yelled.
    "Shh. It's okay. I thought you said it was good stuff, anyways." I replied, smirking.
    "How am I supposed to go back home like this!?" He continued, looking at himself on his phone's frontal camera. "My eyes are red as the devil's d//k."
    We walked ended up walking back to my house, given how paranoid Mark was.
    We were sitting on the couch watching old episodes of Tom&Jerry, and eating pringles.
    It was rather amusing, to say the least, how he just kept rubbing himself all over the couch and claiming he was laying on cotton.
    "Alex?" I heard him mumble in a tired voice.
    "This is a lonely videogame ride." He yawned.
    Okay.. So this is chapter one :3 By this point you've probably noticed that this isn't the usual bad boy meets shy girl. In fact, it could be the other way around :b
    But yes, I hope this doesnt fail.
    (And I just had to include the videogame ride thing because someone filmed me high and I said that, and I just thought it was hilarious).. Not that you care xD

  2. scrotomXwarts scrotomXwarts
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2013 5:15pm UTC
    Their once was a man
    His name was Dan
    He had a daughter the size of a frying pan
    He had a old passion
    A passion for fasion
    And some say he was willy
    others said wow
    with a little pow
    when the saw
    his long ding dong


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