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Best Crushing Quotes This Month

  1. Irishvalley01 Irishvalley01
    posted a quote
    August 21, 2013 10:14pm UTC
    There's always going to be someone

  2. EzraQuotes EzraQuotes
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2013 2:05pm UTC
    Can people I find attractive stop being:
    younger than me
    15 years older than me
    746382 miles away

  3. supercalifredge supercalifredge
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2013 7:27pm UTC
    I'm pretty sure if anyone even remotely liked me and I found out about it I would probably ask them to marry me just out of elation at the thought of someone even contemplating being somewhat romantically involved with me.

  4. YoungAndNotBeautiful YoungAndNotBeautiful
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2014 11:56pm UTC
    I’ll follow thee and make a heaven out of hell,
    Die upon the hand I love so well.

  5. burning* burning*
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2013 2:22am UTC
    Eeryminute I see your head down, my heart breaks a little.

  6. jennyracinggirl jennyracinggirl
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2013 9:13pm UTC
    There's a risk in falling for your best friend.
    A best friend, is always there for you, always relieable. You tell eachother everything from your relationships,to family problems to stress from school. You two are always seen together. That's what best friends are right? You're comfortable with them,trust them, love them , maybe even die for them?
    Once you fall for a bestfriend , there's no telling what would happen.What if they feel the same? Then, there's always the danger of braking up, and ruining the friendship. What if they don't feel the same?There's the danger of having the awkwardness between you two. You'd lose your best friend either way.
    That's why i'm scared of getting attached to you.

  7. jasmine77jj jasmine77jj
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2013 4:22am UTC
    I wish that we got some sort of secret alert or notification when we gave someone butterflies. Maybe before we went to bed each night we could get some sort of thing that said “you gave _ people butterflies today!” I just want to know if I ever make someone feel good inside.

  8. JustAHoosierAthlete JustAHoosierAthlete
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2013 7:27am UTC
    You know what I don't get? That thee are people ranging from sixth graders to seniors in high school hat are more worried about having a significant other rather than having good grades and being a successful student and/or student athlete. Girls, you don't need a boyfriend at such a young age and boys you don't need a girlfriend at such a young age. Look at me, I'm a very successful student athlete and I've never had a boyfriend. I don't need one! If you're in sixth grade, you really shuldn't be wearing short, tight skirts and shorts and low-cut shirts just to try to get a boyfriend. Honestly, nobody's worth dating before high school. It's stupid to do that to yourself at such a young age. Newer subject: you honestly aren't going to be in love as either an adolescent or a teenager. You just won't, it's a fact.
    Just keep trying your best in school and sports and don't worry about the petty little things known as dating, being in a relationship, etc.

  9. Taz98 Taz98
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2013 8:51am UTC
    i really dont think you understand how much you mean to me

  10. EzraQuotes EzraQuotes
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2013 2:01pm UTC
    Can people I find attractive stop being:
    younger than me
    15 years older than me
    746382 miles away

  11. Taz98 Taz98
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2013 9:50pm UTC
    you really dont get it do you?
    im completly, totaly, 100%, fully, truely
    in love with you

  12. Brandi Lynn* Brandi Lynn*
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2014 9:59pm UTC
    "A person who truly loves you, will never let you go no matter how hard the situation is♥"

  13. Brandi Lynn* Brandi Lynn*
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2014 3:18pm UTC
    Can't set my hopes too high, because every hello ends with a goodbye♥

  14. hayhayy915 hayhayy915
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2013 6:36pm UTC
    Liking a guy
    just because
    you think he
    likes you

  15. 16msavercool 16msavercool
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2013 11:11pm UTC
    So today I was walking home. I felt like someone was looking at me so I looked around. Then I saw this guy far away looking in my direction. Then as I walked closer (because he lives down the street from me) he started tossing a football in the air. He was also looking at me more. I never noticed him before except ing my computer class and the first weeks of school when a club I'm in welcomed new students. I think I am crushing.

  16. EzraQuotes EzraQuotes
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2013 12:54pm UTC
    I still get butterflies even though I've seen you a hundred times.

  17. Brandi Lynn* Brandi Lynn*
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2014 3:22pm UTC
    The good times of today, are the sad thoughts of tomorrow. </3

  18. katbaby katbaby
    posted a quote
    May 16, 2013 11:58pm UTC
    I think I have feelings for someone I shouldn't.

  19. izzy10631 izzy10631
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2013 7:41pm UTC
    it hurts me more , when you're hurt . </3

  20. Brandi Lynn* Brandi Lynn*
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2014 9:54pm UTC
    I found wings now I can fly, got me high up in the sky & for once I had bumps I guess I'm mad in love with you♥


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