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Crack Quotes

  1. musicure musicure
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2016 12:42pm UTC
    ring the bells
    that still can ring
    forget your perfect offering
    there is a crack in everything
    that's how the light
    gets in

  2. Herown Herown
    posted a quote
    April 16, 2015 1:33am UTC
    The window
    Has a crack in it
    Winding up from the left corner
    It cuts the pane in half
    I trace the scar
    That has marred the glass
    The line slices the sunlight
    But my flesh remains the same
    And I marvel over the fact that
    Even when cracked
    My window stays intact
    I push a lock of brown from my brow
    And this thought settled in
    Maybe that which is cracked
    Isn't necessarily broken

  3. 100 100
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2014 6:29am UTC
    Friend: Hey, look I got the new iPhone!
    Me: Oh... Cool...
    Me:... Is that a crack I see?

  4. I'm a Niall Girl* I'm a Niall Girl*
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2014 11:46am UTC
    Crack Rock by Frank Ocean from the album Channel Orange released in 2012

  5. ♥Dreamer* ♥Dreamer*
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2014 8:21pm UTC
    I never thought I'd feel like this....

  6. ♥Dreamer* ♥Dreamer*
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2014 8:20pm UTC
    Do you ever just sit there feeling hollow inside?
    The this monster comes alive inside you .
    There is this tsunami of hurt and pain like no other.
    It floods out of your eyes.
    You can't keep from feelings like it's all your fault.
    You've held it in and then you finally crack.

  7. Carla Crahan.* Carla Crahan.*
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2014 10:10am UTC
    Here's to your perfect weapon, crack bones with blind aggression.
    Like birds whose wings are broken, You live without direction.

  8. DunGoofed DunGoofed
    posted a quote
    December 13, 2013 10:06pm UTC
    I was talking with my friend after school today. We were sitting on the curb, criss cross, with our oversized hoodies on, talking about what it would be like to be train hobos. I have to say, even I thought we were on crack.

  9. *mysterious.mah* *mysterious.mah*
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2013 6:42pm UTC
    When someone tells a joke:
    The last one to lagh is the slowest.
    The first to laugh has the dirtiest mind.

  10. *mysterious.mah* *mysterious.mah*
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2013 6:36pm UTC
    When someone tells a joke:
    The last one to lagh is the slowest.
    The first to laugh has the dirtiest mind.

  11. *Yours Truly* *Yours Truly*
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2013 1:10am UTC
    Ed, Edd, and Eddy,
    spent that whole show basically trying to get money for jaw breakers.
    They were undeniablly obsessed with them.
    Does anyone else think there might have been cra.ck in those?

  12. Kaleidoscope Eyed* Kaleidoscope Eyed*
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2013 12:03am UTC
    That one person that you always want to slap in the face after
    everything they say

  13. Girl_Who_Waited Girl_Who_Waited
    posted a quote
    June 10, 2013 8:00pm UTC
    Step on a crack break you mother's back.
    Turn around and do the crack break your mother's heart.

  14. FullOfFiction FullOfFiction
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2013 7:36pm UTC
    I like it when I step on ice and it doesn't crack or break.
    It makes me feel like I'm not fat.

  15. heartofgold heartofgold
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2013 6:17pm UTC
    boy: i like you
    me: are you on crack


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