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Contest_cute_lyrics Quotes

  1. vanilla_shortcake vanilla_shortcake
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2013 3:13pm UTC
    The most effective way to torture young people is to make them watch old people use a computer.

  2. vanilla_shortcake vanilla_shortcake
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2013 3:05pm UTC
    The worst feeling in the world is knowing that you did the best you could
    and it still wasn't good enough.
    - format by Breeze

  3. vanilla_shortcake vanilla_shortcake
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2013 3:02pm UTC
    stop editing your,
    Picture's, what is you go missing?
    How could we find you if you look like
    Beyonce on facebook,
    and waka flocka in person.

  4. vanilla_shortcake vanilla_shortcake
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2013 2:54pm UTC
    Old people are either super nice
    or the meanest people on earth
    there is no inbetween.

  5. Papaute Papaute
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2013 2:48pm UTC
    Don't be the girl who goes back continuously
    & thinks that every time will be different.
    I understand you miss him,
    and it's easier to breathe with him around.
    But isn't it easier to smile when he's not breaking up with you,
    or getting mad at you for nothing?
    Don't be that girl he drops and picks up whenever he feels like.
    That girl who thinks that each time he comes around,
    he means what he says and won't leave again, but everyone knows he will.
    so don't be that girl.

  6. vanilla_shortcake vanilla_shortcake
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2013 2:44pm UTC
    Format chickittylover
    Facebook would be . .
    way cooler if it was on t.v, "in other news joes
    girlfriend is a cold heartless b/tch.
    details at eleven . . . .

  7. vanilla_shortcake vanilla_shortcake
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2013 2:36pm UTC
    At McDonalds last night this dude,
    gave me the wrong flavoured mcflurry,
    so i threw it back at him and yelled ,
    "You McF/cked up.
    format credit to: Jade672

  8. AWittyGirl AWittyGirl
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2013 11:22am UTC
    Someone: *Says something about MCR*

  9. *wookie bear** *wookie bear**
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2013 11:22pm UTC
    Okay so my day today was crazy:
    I was walking to dinner with my friends from dance on break,
    and then we see an ambalance-police car-and a firetruck (idk, they have
    to come...) and there was this guy laying down on a rock, and there was
    like 200 cops around him (15...?) and then he started barfing and he
    had a weird butterfly tattoo that looked...really...really fresh.
    yeah and then they rushed him away,
    was he drunk?
    like scary drunk? idk..

  10. ifyourefromafricawhyareyouwhite ifyourefromafricawhyareyouwhite
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2013 12:48pm UTC
    I think my crush likes me back...

  11. PrimarilyParamore* PrimarilyParamore*
    posted a quote
    October 8, 2013 8:39pm UTC

    You're the
    I'm the
    And it's
    plain to
    see that
    we were
    meant to
    - Owl City
    "The Bird and the Worm"|Ocean Eyes
    format by fake_a_smile

  12. kimsgrande kimsgrande
    posted a quote
    October 8, 2013 6:30pm UTC
    i love every second that we spend talking
    but honestly you don't even care.

  13. AWittyGirl AWittyGirl
    posted a quote
    October 8, 2013 5:17pm UTC
    I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.

  14. Onism* Onism*
    posted a quote
    October 8, 2013 4:34pm UTC

  15. Veronica Smith* Veronica Smith*
    posted a quote
    October 8, 2013 1:51pm UTC
    hey, don't touch me there!
    This is my private square,

  16. NessaLovesYou NessaLovesYou
    posted a quote
    October 8, 2013 6:39am UTC
    I wonder if he even...
    I wonder if he even love me. I don't know, I really don't know is he playing with my feelings, or he love me but he don't want to make first step... I wanna know, why does it feel so good when I'm with him, but it is hurt so bad when I'm alone? I'm always watching his statuses, what he is doing, is he texting other girls.My friends are keep telling me that he don't deserve me, that he is ugly, that I'm everyone's crush and I can find another hotter boy.. But he, he is perfect for me. He is sarcastic, he is realistic.Heis perfect. Perfect for me. I want him to be mine. Only mine. Just mine. Mine forever. Mine forever like the stars on sky that shine forever. I heard from lot of people that he is fall in love with me. He calls other girls bithes, hoes...But he calls me smartie, sweetie etc. Sometimes,I wait for nights to text him. But hey, he will never call me or text me first.He would never admit that he loves me. Few times he asks me to get on his break, just with him. But I am to scared. Is it my fault? Is it my fault because I miss it? Will he ever try on me again? I' work hard just to make him go crazy for me. I was never carring for what boys will say about me. But with him, it is different. I watch my every word, my every move. Is it worth of it? Is it worth of his love?
    -This is not a scroll box-
    help me. Write me your opinion. I just need someone to talk. For the first time, I don't know what I feel. I don't know how to act any more. Great thing is that nobody notice that he is my crush....
    format by: NessaLovesYou
    format by NessaLovesYou

  17. *wookie bear** *wookie bear**
    posted a quote
    October 7, 2013 6:37pm UTC
    because we're all just
    and we're stupid.
    and we're haters.
    FORMAT CREDIT : _Jannette Do Not REMOVE!

  18. capsized* capsized*
    posted a quote
    October 6, 2013 7:04pm UTC
    I woke up this morning and played our song
    and through my tears I sang along
    I picked up the phone and then put it down
    and i don't mind
    Please don't remove this!

  19. KassieKiss KassieKiss
    posted a quote
    October 6, 2013 5:04pm UTC
    ...If you're callin' 'bout the car I sold it
    If this is Tuesday night I'm bowling
    If you've got somethin' to sell, you're wastin' your time, I'm not buyin'
    If it's anybody else, wait for the tone,
    You know what to do
    And P.S. if this is Austin, I still love you...

  20. heyitstuckerr heyitstuckerr
    posted a quote
    October 6, 2013 3:29pm UTC
    lately ive been
    ive been losing sleep
    dreaming about the things that
    we could be
    and baby
    ive been praying
    said no more counting dollars
    well be
    counting stars


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