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Comicbooks Quotes

  1. _geronimo_* _geronimo_*
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2013 3:56am UTC
    It will be a marvelous thing, the true personality of man, when we see it.
    -Oscar, Dead Man's Hand (Doctor Who comic books) Part 4/4.

  2. _geronimo_* _geronimo_*
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2013 12:34am UTC
    I just love Doctor Who comic books.
    Matt Smith's face is just....omg.

  3. jcpeace jcpeace
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2013 1:45am UTC
    I have discovered a flaw in the Amazing Spider-man:
    If Spider-man was really such a huge criminal with like every freaking cop looking for him,
    why didn't they interview the criminals he caught?
    The police should've put together that Spider-man was obviously going after men with shoulder length blond hair and if they interviewed said criminals they would've discovered that Spider-man was checking the left wrist of each criminal he picked up and dropped off for the police.
    Then they would have thought "Hmmm Spider-man's looking for a guy with shoulder length blond hair and something on his left wrist? Lets see..." and they would've found the WANTED flier from Ben Parker's murder. The one with the guy with the shoulder length blond hair and star tattoo on his left wrist.
    Knowing that, they can say that Spider-man has a personal vendetta against this man, who aside from killing Ben Parker, committed a minor crime of robbing a convience store. Enough for a personal vendetta? I think not.
    Using the information gathered, the could safely assume that Spider-man had a vendetta against the criminal for the murder of Ben Parker. Any police officer who had seen Spider-man, which quite a few had, could see that he was a lean man, therefore ruling out May Parker. Who left but Peter Parker, who had recently been coming home covered in bruises and scratches. Put two and two together, you get the outcome of Peter Parker being Spider-man.
    It's 1:40 am. I can't sleep. This is what I think about.

  4. cannon cannon
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2013 3:32pm UTC
    In 1981, 16 year old Robert John Downey, Jr.
    served a one day suspension from
    high school after snatching a comic book from the
    hands of a classmate and ripping it to shreds
    while calling him a nerd.
    What comic book was his classmate reading?
    "The Incincible Iron Man"


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