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Colton Quotes

  1. Breezie1345 Breezie1345
    posted a quote
    September 21, 2013 12:00am UTC
    Tonight was so amazing! <3 had a great time with my babe<3 And Great job to the PV Panthers on their victory to Santa Fe! Go Panthers!!! Great job Colton!! you did great bro! :)

  2. changed changed
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2013 6:39pm UTC
    Chapter 6
    “Mrs. Bruins?”
    “Speaking. Who is this?”
    “It`s Mary”
    “Oh hi Mary, what`s wrong you sound like you are crying”
    “I need to know what is going on with Colton”
    “Sweetie it is not my place to tell you the decision is up to Colton.”
    “Mrs. Bruins, I`m on my way to the hospital to go see him.”
    “Oh my God. What happened I`m getting in the car now?”
    “Go to entrance F. We were on our way to
    dinner and he fell asleep at the wheel while we were stopped at a stop sign. Then I said get out you can`t drive something is obviously
    wrong. Colton pulled over and went around back and
    I went around front and he didn`t come around. I waited thirty
    seconds then went to see what was wrong.
    When I arrived at the back of the car he
    was on the ground passed out and wouldn`t wake up.”
    “Oh my, I knew I shouldn`t have let him out while in this state. They said it was safe but something told me it wasn’t.”
    “Please tell me what is wrong with him. Who said it was safe?”
    “I`m pulling in to the hospital are you here.”
    “Yes i`m getting out of the car now. Do you see me?”
    “Yes, I`ll be right there, wait.”
    Before I could say anything she hung up. I have
    always hated hospitals ever since my dad died
    in third grade. My dad was in a car accident.
    Although I was able to say goodbye it was worse. I watched
    my dad in this hospital die ever so slowly. He passed away
    a week after arriving here. I hoped to never come back.
    “Mrs. Bruins.” I said starting to shed a tear.
    We headed for the entrance. The paramedic from
    the scene was waiting at the door for me.
    “Mary I’m glad you made it here safely I`ll bring you right in.
    Who is this that you have brought with you?”
    “This is Colton`s mother, Mrs. Bruins.” I said with a slight whimper.
    “Hello Mrs. Bruins I`m Bryan one of the paramedics on scene.
    I`ll bring you to Colton.”
    We followed Bryan into the hospital. Everything in a hospital
    always feels so cold and out of place.
    Nothing is everycomfortable and welcoming.
    Bryan brought us up to the seventh floor; this was the same
    floor my father passed away on. We entered room 706.
    There was Colton, surrounded by two doctors
    and a nurse. I could see his expressionless face. His eyes were closed.
    After standing there for thirty seconds I lost it.
    The tears began pouring down my face.

  3. changed changed
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2013 12:15am UTC
    Chapter 5
    “He`s right here!” I yell as the paramedics come out of the truck.
    “Please back away miss.”
    Me, back away, excuse me but this is my best friend.
    What is going on with Colton? First he acts all weird and
    then this? I watch closely as they try to get him awake. Nothing is working.
    I hear one of the men say his pulse is reducing speed and
    that the best hope is to get him to the hospital
    as quick as possible. I begin to cry.
    One of the paramedics comes over and says,
    “Every thing is going to be okay. Is there someone that can
    come and get you and bring you to the hospital or
    do you just want to drive there from here?”
    “I think I’ll be okay to drive.”
    “Okay, if you start to feel weird or like you are swerving
    or can`t concentrate, pull over and call someone to come get you.”
    “What hospital entrance should I go to?”
    “Go to entrance F. What is your name i`ll make sure the
    guard lets you in? Are you sure you are going to be okay?”
    I see the ambulance carrying Colton disappear in the distance.
    “I`m Mary Brooks. Yes, I will be okay.”
    “Okay Mary, don`t worry everything will be alright,
    I will meet you at the hospital.”
    The man patted my back and left headed for his car.
    I stood in the exact same spot in shock watching as the
    man drove away. I stood there for about 2 more minutes
    trying to take in everything that had just occurred.
    Then I got back into my car. Shaking, I put the car
    and drive and drove towards the hospital.
    All I could see in my mind was Colton.

  4. changed changed
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2013 11:01pm UTC
    Chapter 4
    I got out of the car walking around the front headed for the drivers seat.
    Colton went the other way as if trying not to make eye contact with me.
    I climbed in the white Subaru and waited. I was in the car for 30 seconds
    and there was no sign of Colton coming back. I got out of the car and walked
    towards the back
    There he was laying on the ground behind the car. I bent down to him
    to see what was going on. I tried waking him up, but I got no response.
    “Colton!’ I yelled one more time.
    Once again no response, I could still feel his heart
    beating but he was not waking up.
    “Colton please wake up!”
    I decided the best decision would be to call 911.
    “Hello 911, what`s your emergency?”
    “My friend has passed out behind my
    car that we pulled over!”
    “Okay miss calm down and tell me where you are.”
    “Um were at the intersection of Summer Lane
    and Katie Field Road.”
    “Okay our services are on the way. Can I get your name and your friends name?”
    “My name is Mary and my friend is Colton.”
    “Okay, try to stay calm and tell me what happened.”
    “Me and Colton were on our way out to dinner and we
    stopped at the stop sign at the end of Summer Lane and he
    fell asleep while driving. I told him to pull over and that I would drive.
    So he did and when he went around the back of the car
    something happened and he passed out and now here we are.”
    “Okay, the ambulance will be there any second”
    “Colton, don`t worry the ambulance is almost here.
    We will get you to the hospital everything will be okay.”
    I hear the loud siren coming from the ambulances. It`s getting louder
    and louder as it comes closer. I can see the red flashing lights in the distance.
    Thank God they are finally here.
    *******AUTHORS NOTE*********
    Hey y`all hope you are enjoying the story so far
    please leave me feedback so i know how you guys feel about it!!
    Hope you enjoy

  5. changed changed
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2013 2:05pm UTC
    Chapter 3
    “Hey Colton, its me Mary.”
    “Oh uh hey Mar, what`s up?”
    “Colton just stop, you weren`t in school, you left me all alone at Bucks, what is going on?”
    “Nothing. Yesterday I left bucks because I had to go pick up Kyle from
    baseball practice and I wasn`t in school because I had a doctor`s appointment.
    Okay? There is nothing to worry about.”
    “Just a check-up, don’t worry about it.”
    “ Do you want to go out to dinner?”
    “Mary I really don`t feel …”
    “Please Colton.”
    “Fine, 6:30?”
    “Yeah, See you then!”
    “Mary, Colton is here!” my mom yelled.
    “Okay, send him up!”
    “Hey Mary.”
    “Hey do you mind waiting one minute I need to finish putting on my make up.
    Ill be right back. Then we can go.”
    We both get into the car without a word being said. Colton is driving while I’m in the
    passenger seat. Everything is silent except the engine of the car.
    “What is wrong with…”
    “Stop Mary. I`ve told you, don’t ask me about it.”
    “But Colton, I`m just worried about you.”
    “Don`t be. I’m fine.”
    The Car goes silent as we pull up to the red stop sign. We reach a complete
    stop and the car doesn’t start up again.
    “Uh, Colton?”
    “Colton wake up!”
    “Huh, Oh sorry Mary. I just got like no sleep last night. Don`t worry.”
    “Okay Colton pull over. I’m driving. “

  6. changed changed
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2013 1:08am UTC
    Chapter 2
    “Okay, Colton what`s going on? You are acting so weird today.”
    “Don`t worry about it, I’m fine Mary, just do your homework.”
    “Eleven years and that’s all you`re gunna give me “fine”? Well you no what fine I don`t want to know.”
    “ Mary you just don`t understand, I have to go.”
    Colton got up and left before I could say anything. I was sitting in our booth all alone.
    What was going on that was so big he couldn`t tell me. We tell each other
    every thing, I was even the first to know about his parents divorce. I knew before Kyle,
    Colton’s brother. Something must be really wrong and I’m going to
    find out. Maybe Colton is just nervous for the first day of school tomorrow.
    Although were in eleventh grade and we have been going to Leary Falls High
    for two years now, so there`s really nothing to worry about.
    “Hey Sarah! Have you seen Colton today?”
    “ Nope, they called his name in homeroom and he wasn`t here.
    But did you have a good summer?”
    “Uh, yeah it was great but I have to go, ill talk to you later. Bye Sarah. ”
    Colton missing the first day of school, he seemed fine yesterday.
    What could possibly be more important then the first day of school? Bedsides
    Colton has had perfect attendance since the beginning of ninth grade, he wouldn`t
    even miss a day of school if he was truly sick. Where is he?
    I really don`t understand what`s going on and why he can`t tell me.
    Maybe he just caught the throw up thing and it was necessary for him to stay home.
    I`ll call him after school and figure every thing out.

  7. invisableme13 invisableme13
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2013 12:28am UTC
    Chapter 1
    I guess it hit me today when I saw him. It really sank in that he was going to be gone soon. When I say gone I don`t mean moving or something silly. I mean gone.
    My best friends name is Colton. We met on the first day of kindergarten.
    We slowly grew up surviving school just like everyone else.
    We were never the popular kids and we didn`t hang out with
    anyone but each other. I guess you could say we were inseparable and we still are.
    Its been eleven years and we are still best friends. Its become a daily routine that we go
    down to Bucks Diner everyday after school to do homework and talk.
    But our talk today was different.
    Colton wasn’t himself.
    He wouldn`t even look me in the eyes as if there was something he was keeping from me and it was bothering him like crazy.
    ************Authors Note***********
    Hey guys go read my story Gone on my soon to be stories
    account changed. Let me know what you think because its my first story
    im also open to suggestions and comments!!

  8. sophsunflower12 sophsunflower12
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2013 6:42pm UTC
    colton haynes is perfect. nuff said.

  9. Colton_19 Colton_19
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2013 5:33pm UTC
    whos got a kik? (; comment and ill kik you(;


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