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Best Chapter59 Quotes Today

  1. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    March 4, 2013 7:34pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 59
    “Why?” Morgan questioned immediately.
    “Well,” the doctor murmured, flipping through some papers, “we’ve noticed that the chemotherapy wasn’t helping your body, only hurting it.”
    Morgan and I glanced to each other, sort of breathless. Her eyes darted back to the doctor.
    “So why’d you keep her on the chemo for so long?”
    “Because sometimes the blood tests reveal false success.”
    “So what does that mean?”
    “It basically means that we’ve been hurting her more than we’ve been helping.”
    Their conversation seemed to echo around me. I couldn’t understand anything they were saying. I was completely lost in my own thoughts. Was I really dying? At sixteen, with so much life ahead of me? Was all that chemo treatment worthless?
    Was I actually dying?
    Morgan’s sharp words snapped me back to reality. “So not only is her time limited, but you’ve helped to decrease it?”
    “No,” the doctor answered immediately. “No, there are other treatment options. We can do—“
    “No,” I interrupted before he could start. “No, I don’t want any more treatment.”
    Morgan’s eyes widened at me before looking coolly back to the doctor. “No, look, she’ll take the treatment—“
    “No, I won’t, Morgan,” I hissed at her. “I’ve suffered enough. I don’t want my death to be dragged out any longer.”
    Morgan trembled slightly in the seat beside me. “Kaitlyn,” the doctor hummed, “there are other options–”
    “Stop trying to persuade me. It’s my body. I’ll do what I want. I don’t want any more treatment.”
    “You’re young, Kaitlyn! Just think!” Morgan shrilled at me.
    “I’m dying, alright?” I spat at her. As I said the words aloud for the first time, they finally hit me, just how real they were. “I’d rather spend the last few months of my life in peace than agonizing pain.”
    "You don't have to die!" she shrilled.
    "I want to be remembered as peaceful in my death, not haggard and barely breathing. I don't want any more treatment."
    The room was silent for a while after that. The only thing heard was breathing.
    “Okay,” the doctor said indefinitely. “No more treatments.”
    “How long does she have?” Morgan asked. Her breathing trembled.
    He shrugged. “It depends. It could be two months, it could be twelve years. I guess it’s all based on how her body reacts to the stoppage of the chemo. I mean, even by chance of a miracle, the cancer could go away.”
    He didn't seem so confident in himself.
    We were dismissed from the hospital that day, but I wasn’t leaving. I had a husband who was still in there fighting for his life, though mine was already limited.
    * * *
    A nurse appeared in the doorway of the small waiting room. “Miss Thompson?” she murmured gently, and I immediately stood. I’d been waiting for hours in the same chair, staring blankly at walls, my mind racing with a billion thoughts.
    “Come here. I’d like a word with you.”
    So your thoughts? (:
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*

  2. Christina* Christina*
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2014 7:18am UTC
    I fell in Love With Mickey Mouse
    Chapter # 59
    Hey you, yeah you. Don't talk to me, because chances are I'll fall in love with you.
    It wasn't very apropriate to laugh right now. But, I just couldn't help it. Everything seemed very funny to me at this point.
    "What's so funny?" Roger asked
    "Your face." I giggled
    I heard Michael chuckle in the back.
    "Ella, what did you drink?" Spencer asked
    "I'm fine." I assured
    "And I don't want to answer your questions, so if you would excuse me, I'm going to sleep before I get a headache." I yawned and laid down on my bed. My face hit the blanket on top of my pillow. I would get under the blanket. But, I was just too tired and lazy.
    "Just drop it Spenc, she obviously doesn't know what shes talking about." Michael said.
    "Why is everyone acting like this is the end of the world, so what the girl went out and got wasted, big deal. " Dezmend protected me
    Thanks Dez, I always liked you.
    "Rog, its late, can you drive me home?" Colleen asked
    She hangs out with Roger a lot, considering that she has a boy friend.
    "Sure" Roger sighed
    "Man, can I get one too. Not too far, like to the bus stop down." Dezmend asked
    "Sure." Roger said
    I heard their foot steps leaving the room.
    Three down, two to go.
    "Spenc, we should get going too." Tony said
    "I can't just leave Ella like this, she's never been drunk, she could get sick." Spencer argued
    Yes Spencer has a good point Tony, you got to go.
    "You can go with Tony, I'll stay with Ella." Michael said
    Oh no you won't, you got to go, Tell him Spenc.
    "I don't think that is very apropriate for the moment." Spencer said
    "I don't see why not." Tony joined
    Nobody asked for your opinion Tony.
    "Spencer, if you're worried that I might try to pull a move, I assure you, I'm not the type of the guy to take advantage of a drunk girl." Micheal said.
    Oh sure you're not.
    "You promise?" Spencer asked
    What, what do you mean 'you promise'? you can't leave me alone, with him!
    "I cross my heart, and hope to die." Michael said
    "Alright. Well, in that case we should go." Spencer said
    I heard their foot steps down the room.
    No, Spencer no please-
    My home was crushed by the sound of slamming door. Michael sat on my bedside. I felt his eyes on my face. I despratley tried not to open my eyes.
    "What are you doing to me?" He whispered
    "I don't know my self anymore." He sighed


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