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Channel Quotes

  1. BlahItsLewis BlahItsLewis
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2014 12:19pm UTC
    Check out my music (covers)

  2. *mysterious.mah* *mysterious.mah*
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2014 7:27pm UTC
    Please visit my channel and subscribe, I am a singer making covers(In the beggining you can't hear what I say,until the music starts playing)
    Thank you for your time!

  3. JannaFox JannaFox
    posted a quote
    December 10, 2013 6:45am UTC
    <br />
    <p style="background-color:#DDC9B1;color:#000; box-shadow: 2px 3px 5px black;text-align: center; margin: auto; width: 500px">
    <img alt="" height="324" src="http://www.sdcdn.com/camera/294/884/294884007.jpg" width="490" /><br />
    <span style="background-color:#040301;margin-left: 20px; color: #DDC9B1; float: left; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS',Arial; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 5px; padding: 3px; text-align:center; width: 460px;height: 100px; overflow-y: scroll;overflow-x: hidden;" title="This code was created by Charly__6__. Especially for you. Have some respect."><em><strong><span style="font-family:times new roman,times,serif;"><span style="font-size: 25px;">&ldquo;Fashion changes, but style endures.&rdquo;</span></span></strong></em><br />
    Name |age | county | status | ...<br />
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    text</span><br />
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    <span style="font-size:9px;">&copy; Made by Charly__6__ | Leave the credit</span></p>

  4. *Princess JoJo* *Princess JoJo*
    posted a quote
    September 26, 2013 11:57am UTC
    Who has Noticed that the Kids who grew up with Hannah Montana / Miley Cyrus on disney channel might lead there life on to Miley Cyrus's life now in 2013.

  5. cupcakes21 cupcakes21
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2013 4:53pm UTC
    Anybody know on what channel they're showing The Walking Dead season 4 preview? Please!

  6. ariananunezz ariananunezz
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2013 7:49pm UTC

  7. gray22 gray22
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2013 3:05pm UTC
    w o l v e s a n d l i g h t s
    y o u t u b e

  8. The Day Dream Expert * The Day Dream Expert *
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2013 1:30pm UTC
    I realize that this isn't a quote but, I have a youtube channel and I just posted a video so I was wondering if any of my fellow wittians would like to watch it? I'm going to delete this "quote" in a little bit. If you comment on this quote or on my profile; then I will send you the link if you ask for it :) Thank you for reading this.

  9. flyingbacon7 flyingbacon7
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2013 10:50am UTC
    For some reason
    It' one of those mornings
    that I miss my childhood
    So here I am listening to Hannah Montana
    And jamming out

  10. BringLaurenTheHorizon BringLaurenTheHorizon
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2013 12:53am UTC
    Hello Lovelies!
    could you all do 16supernicole and I a HUGE favor,
    and follow our YouTube channel?
    ( twoawkwards )
    She and I just made this account. c: the video was made last niht at 2:30 in the morning. We were hyped up on RockStar, so ignore the awkwardness everywhere cx

  11. aleexisbrookeexoxo aleexisbrookeexoxo
    posted a quote
    May 27, 2013 8:29pm UTC
    Disney Channel should have a Throwback Thursday Day every Thursday
    where they play old tv shows & movies all day long

  12. sociallyawkwardllamas sociallyawkwardllamas
    posted a quote
    May 25, 2013 12:53pm UTC
    We are the Socially Awkward Llama's!
    We have our own YouTube account and we will be posting a lot.
    We would be grateful if you watched our first video:

  13. heartofgold heartofgold
    posted a quote
    May 25, 2013 9:44am UTC
    So, my friends and I made a YouTube channel.
    It would be great if you guys watched our video :D

  14. Ninja918 Ninja918
    posted a quote
    April 17, 2013 8:28pm UTC
    I think the only thing that "hasn't" changed about Disney Channel is the Logo.

  15. MissHatty MissHatty
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2013 1:25pm UTC
    "The best things in life are free, The second best are very expensive"
    -coco channel

  16. flyingbacon7 flyingbacon7
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2013 11:52pm UTC
    Hello everyone
    Starting next week im starting a youtube channel
    and I will be talking about serious and funny topics
    so if you could give me topics and suggestions that would be great
    I'm also giving advice too so if you need advice just ask and then i'll answer it in one of my videos
    im soooooo excited
    next week i'll tell you more information
    take care

  17. sarbearthecarebear sarbearthecarebear
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2013 3:49pm UTC
    subscribe for a subscribe on youtube?

  18. aleexisbrookeexoxo aleexisbrookeexoxo
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2013 7:17pm UTC
    Remember those times in High School Musical
    When Troy didn't want his friends to know he liked to sing..
    so he broke out into a song in the middle of their practice?
    Or how about that time when Chad did an entire dance number about
    how he doesn't dance?
    High School Musical Directors..
    You okay?

  19. TellitTotheFrogs* TellitTotheFrogs*
    posted a quote
    February 16, 2013 10:32am UTC
    Change your
    life; not the


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