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Best Cantsayitinperson Quotes This Month

  1. lo0fallen0ve lo0fallen0ve
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2013 1:09am UTC
    I want to be the reason that at random moments of the day a smile crosses your face. Because you thought of me. Because something insignificant reminded you of me and the only way you could possibly react was to make it known to the world that you are happy, by the simple curve of your mouth.
    I want to hear you say my name when you wake up in the morning. But I want it to sound like a cross between a word and a sigh, because it happens in that moment between asleep and awake: where dreams meet reality. That's where I want to exist for you.
    I want to be that person that you can't wait to share something with; good news, bad news, just a simple recount of your day. Anything. I want you to think "I can't wait to tell her this." I want to hear all your stories as many times as you want to tell them.
    I want to be a constant in your life. Like the feeling you get in a dark room when you reach out for something-a doorknob, a light switch, a stair railing-and its right where you expected it to be. I want to be that sense of familiarity. That sense of calm that rushes over you when things just go right, I want that to remind you of me.
    I want to not be afraid to tell you that this is what I want and how I feel but I am.
    And most importantly, I want you to want me to be this person.


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