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Brooklyn Quotes

  1. Fat Amy* Fat Amy*
    posted a quote
    October 26, 2015 12:00am UTC
    They say I'm too young to love you
    They say I'm too dumb to see
    They judge me like a picture book
    By the colors, like they forgot to read
    I think we're like fire and water
    I think we're like the wind and sea
    You're burning up, I'm cooling down
    You're up, I'm down
    You're blind, I see
    But I'm free
    I'm free

  2. Morgan* Morgan*
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2014 7:02pm UTC
    Ƭнєяє ιѕ 1 тнιηg ǀ нανє 2 ѕαу to you,ǀ'νє gσт 3 Wσяɗѕ 4 уσυ...Yσυ Aяε Bεαυтıғυʟ

  3. DunGoofed DunGoofed
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2014 2:54am UTC
    I love the bathrooms at Brooklyn Bowl. There is a little area right outside of the bathroom with some couches and I fell asleep there.

  4. DunGoofed DunGoofed
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2014 2:51am UTC
    The only person I was talking to at the party was my nephew and my sister's gay friend who was baked like a cake.
    Then I had candy.

  5. DunGoofed DunGoofed
    posted a quote
    January 22, 2014 12:16pm UTC
    My older sister's birthday party is going to be at a place called Brooklyn Bowl (you sould go there sometime) and I don't know anybody there and I don't feel like talking to my family. What should I do?

  6. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    December 5, 2013 7:14pm UTC
    1) Run away to Brooklyn. Rent an apartment with a claw footed bathtub. Commute to Manhattan during the week and put in hours at a menial publishing job. Drive home to New Jersey on weekends to swim in the pool and cry to your mother. Smoke Gauloises on the fire escape. Let yellowing issues of Rolling Stone and Vogue pile into a protective fortress around your bed. Listen to Cat Power. Fall asleep mostly naked beneath the duvet watching SportsCenter and drinking earl grey. Date a Yankees fan and kiss his hands on the 4 Train into the Bronx.
    2) Run away to Barcelona. Eat milk chocolate magnum bars and drink cheap champagne. Burst into charming fits of laughter whenever you get embarrassed about butchering the Catalan language. Wear denim cutoffs, Dr. Pepper chapstick, and very little else. Go dancing at 3 a.m. Whiten your teeth. Tan your shoulders. Braid feathers into your hair. Perpetually wake up with sand caught in the thin cotton sheets of your tiny bed. Listen to the Rolling Stones and kiss all the longhaired boys you can get your hands on without ever having to apologize.
    3) Run away to Los Angeles. Sublet a studio in Venice three blocks from the beach. Listen to top 40 radio. Go to Chateau Marmont and charge drinks you can't afford to a long-dormant credit card. Sleep with the television actor who lives in the valley. Sleep with a musician who lives in Bel Air. Break things off with both of them when gas prices begin to rise. Find Gilda Radner's star on the Walk Of Fame and swallow a sob when you see the filthy cement around her name is cracked. Walk through the Venice Canals until the sun sets and you forget your own name. Call your mother crying from the parking lot of a 24-hour Ralph's supermarket. Tell her you want to come home.
    4) Run away to Paris. Gaze at the pink and pistachio glow of macarons in the window on Boulevard Saint-Germain. Listen to Joni Mitchell. Meet and Argentinean man in the Latin Quarter for drinks. Melt into his accent and kiss him goodnight, but return to your apartment alone because his face doesn't look enough like the man you are trying to forget. Get lost in the Richelieu Wing of the Louvre, admiring Napoleon's fine red damask. Walk alone along the Seine in an old dress, ten-dollar shoes, and an Hermes scarf. Fumble with the locks on the fence overlooking the river. They all have lovers' names etched into them and the girl who left the red heart-shaped lock has the same name as you.
    5) Run away to Martha's Vineyard. Write heartbroken stories during the day in front of a large fan that blows curls of humid hair across your tired face. Take a waitress job at The Black Dog at night and try hard not to drop too many trays. Learn to ride a moped. Pretend you're a Kennedy. Listen to Carly Simon. Eat hand-churned ice cream out of waffle cones. Visit the flying horses and consider how many girls just like you have sat on the same horse clutching for the same brass ring. Get stoned and dance barefoot down the length of the eroded Jaws beach. Date a Red Sox fan. Yell at each other during baseball games, and then kiss and make up between tangled sheets.
    --5 Fantasy Exit Strategies
    Courtney Preiss

  7. trishafaye819 trishafaye819
    posted a quote
    October 2, 2013 2:55pm UTC
    When it hurts to look back
    and you're scared to look ahead
    you can always look beside you
    and your best friend will be there.

  8. PrimarilyParamore* PrimarilyParamore*
    posted a quote
    September 21, 2013 12:54pm UTC
    - All Time Low
    "Hello Brooklyn"|Nothing Personal
    <span style="font-size:" 8px;"="">format by fake_a_smile

  9. bluegreeneyes28 bluegreeneyes28
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2013 4:42am UTC
    Golden Boy
    chapter seven
    After school I headed to the journalism room. I loved this room more than anything. On one side of the room was computers and on the side I was currently on had one big round table where we sat during staff meetings. Then there were smaller tables for interviews. I'd be on the staff since I was a freshman. I didn't get to do too much freshman year, I basically just passed out papers and read articles written by the upper classmen. Sophomore year I got to do small articles. Then every year a junior is given their own section and that was me last year. Now as a senior I was the editor-in-chief of our newspaper at our high school. It was a lot of responsibility but I loved to write. Its what I want to major in next year. My jobs were the sports section and front cover. We just had our homecoming and I did the football article and now I had a scheduled interview with the homecoming king and queen. I was never sure why we did this but the front cover after homecoming was the king and queen, but we did, every year. I had the baby sitting up on the table next to me while I was waiting. Suddenly, the door flung open. In walked Selena Curry. She was about five foot six, platinum blonde, head cheerleader and the typical high school mean girl. She thrives on people being afraid of her, but I've never been one of those people so she's always been extra mean to me. She sat down across from me and flipped her hair before she spoke.
    "Hello Hamilton." Selena said with sarcastic enthusiasm.
    "Hi Selena." I said meeting her tone.
    "Oh the baby project. I heard everyone has a partner, but I bet your a single mother because who'd want to partner with your ugly-" She was cut off when another voice said.
    "How's my baby-momma?" Vinny joined us in the room, walking right over to baby Graham.
    Did I mention the Golden Boy was the homecoming king? How cliche. But the look on Selena's face was priceless right now.
    "Can we get started?" I asked motioning for Vinny to sit down. Vinny turned the baby seat toward him as he sat down next to Selena. Thats when I noticed I didn't have the recorder for the interview. "I forgot something. I'll be right back."As I crossed to the other side of the room and looked around for a recorder, I couldn't help but over hear the conversation going on between Selena and Vinny.
    "Are you seriously her partner?" Selena asked him.
    "Yeah so what?" He shrugged, rocking the baby seat.
    "Well because you're you and she's so you know. Whatever. When can we hangout again? Its been too long?" She placed her hand on Vinny's arm.
    "I'm gonna be kind of busy for awhile." He gestured his head to the baby.
    "Just dump the baby on her. Who cares not like she does anything."
    "I'm not gonna do that. I'm gonna earn my grade on this project."
    "Whatever Vinny." Selena glanced at her watch. "Can we do this sometime today Brooklyn? I have practice soon."
    I snatched a recorder up and walked back over to the table.
    "Okay. My first question is for Selena, were you surprised to find out you were in the running for queen?" I asked.
    Of course she wasn't but she'll lie to make herself look good.
    "I was shocked, but honored my classmates found me worthy to be nominated." She said.
    "Okay Vinny, same question."I looked at him.
    "Well, I'd kind of be lying if I said I was." He said.
    Wow conceited much?
    "Selena, how did you feel finding out you won?" I asked.
    "I was so excited. It was truly honored that the school voted for me. Now if that's it I have to go to cheer. Bye Vinny." Selena winked at him. No shock she didn't bother saying bye to me as she left the room.
    "Okay Vinny how did you feel finding out you won?" I asked him.
    I bet he feels he was entitled to it since he was the Golden Boy.
    "Can you just write something like it felt awesome. People wouldn't want to know the truth." He said.
    "What do you mean?"
    "Is this off the record?" He asked glancing at the recorder and notebook.
    "Sure."I shoved it aside. "Now what did you mean?"
    "I didn't want to win. I didn't even want to be nominated. But I got all of that because of how people view me. Because I'm the Golden Boy."
    "What could possibly be bad about being you?" I asked.
    "Being the Golden Boy doesn't mean you get everything you want." Vinny looked me in the eyes for a split second after saying that.
    What could he possible want that he doesn't have?

  10. bluegreeneyes28 bluegreeneyes28
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2013 4:28am UTC
    Golden Boy
    chapter five
    We were now a month into school. Senior year was supposed to be a blast, and I was not off to the best start.I was heading to my first class after lunch which was Life Management. Its the class that's supposed to prepare you for life after high school. Entering the hallway it smelled amazing. The advanced foods students must of made something really good today. That smell was going to be very tempting because the Life Management room doubled as the foods classes room. Being distracted by the smell, I didn't notice until I sat down that the room had a complete make over. The room looked identical to a nursery. Up at the very front of the room, there were baby bottles, diaper bags, baby carries, strollers, snugglies, pink and blue baby hats, and in the very center babies. Mechanical babies of course, but babies none the less. Our teacher had even went as far as to cover every other in either a pink or blue table cloth. As people came into the room the were all whispering about what was going on. I had a feeling we all were going to have to take care of a baby for a few days. Thats shouldn't be too bad. Finally our teacher, Mrs. Auger, walked in.
    "Settle down," Mrs. Auger said."If you remember when we went over the syllabus we have a few big projects this semester. Well welcome to your first project, baby care!"
    Exactly what I thought. Taking care of a baby for a few days, this would be an easy A.
    "For the first time with this project, since we have an even amount of boys and girls, you will be paired off to take care of one of the babies for a month." Mrs. Auger continued talking.
    WHAT? First of all a month? And second, a partner? I started to look around the room and look for potential "fathers". There was ten boys in this class. There were five boys sitting at one of table with a blue table cloth and five at the one with the pink. The boys at the blue were guys I didn't really know well but they were all better than the guys at the pink table. The pink table had all baseball players at it. Gabe Kane, Mike Summers, Jack Elliot, Drew Mazz, but any of them would be better than the last guy at the table because the last guy was the "Golden Boy".
    "Now I'm going to go around and the girls and you will pick your partner from this bag. Then you will announce the name you picked and go grab the gender of the baby assigned and arrange yourselves accordingly." Mrs. Auger came up to our table. This was being left to chance? There was a one in ten chance of pulling the wrong name from that bag. Suddenly the bag was shaking in front of my face. I felt like I was sticking my hand in the a dog's mouth and asking it to bite me.
    Please not Vinny. Please not Vinny.
    My heart sped up as I unfolded the piece of paper.
    Vinny Carlson
    "Vinny Carlson." I choked out.
    "Yes!" Someone across the room yelled. I wiped my head to look at the screamer, to see Vinny with his arms in the air. I looked at him and his eyes were practically dancing. What in the world was he so happy out? He got up out of his seat and walked over to me.
    "So what did we have mommy?"He asked me.
    "A boy." I said.
    "Wonderful. Shall we go pick up our son?"
    Why was he being so chipper? This was a nightmare. Well I grabbed all the little things, Vinny got the baby. He still had a huge smile on his face and it got even bigger when he picked out the baby. Once we were sitting he started chatting again.
    "So what do you think we should name our son?"Vinny asked.
    "I don't know." I said.
    "Vinny junior?" He suggested.
    "Not a chance."
    "What about Graham?" He said next.
    "That's my grandpa's name." I said softly.
    "I know. So how about it? Baby Graham. Baby G for short." He shot me a grin. That stupid grin.
    "Okay that's good."
    Vinny smiled and then stated examining the baby. He was looking at Graham's butt. Pffft. Vinny made a grossed out face and I started laughing. It may not have been the blast I was looking for but it was a start.
    feedback? Shoutout to JimmyIsWeird for the awesome feedback.


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