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Best Botdf Quotes This Month

  1. roseth0rn roseth0rn
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2013 10:27am UTC
    Sunshine coming
    through the rain.
    This happiness
    is mixed with

  2. of_mice_and_lucifer* of_mice_and_lucifer*
    posted a quote
    September 21, 2013 7:56pm UTC
    i'm so glad that i didn't buy that Blood On The Dance Floor merch that one week i liked them.

  3. marlboro* marlboro*
    posted a quote
    July 30, 2013 3:24pm UTC
    Put down the knife,
    don't turn out the light.
    Don't end your life tonight.

  4. Repair Boy 🔥* Repair Boy 🔥*
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2014 12:40am UTC
    I got to busy to think of someone saving me,
    I had to save myself.

  5. p0kemon p0kemon
    posted a quote
    May 11, 2013 9:26am UTC
    I refuse to sink
    I’d rather swim..

  6. * nicocchi * * nicocchi *
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2014 4:25pm UTC
    life is no fairytale.

  7. p0kemon p0kemon
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2013 6:51pm UTC
    What's the difference between a pimple and blood on the dance floor?
    A pimple waits until you've hit puberty to come on your face.

  8. p0kemon p0kemon
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2013 10:07am UTC
    so i was looking at some hot topic shirts for back to school and my mom litterly said to me
    'How about you get a blood on the dance floor shirt? they're so cute!' i started laughing. she wasn't kidding.

  9. p0kemon p0kemon
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2013 4:59pm UTC
    Blood on the Dance Floor saves lives!
    One time, my mom didn't take me to Hot Topic so I started to cut my wrists and then I heard sexting and it saved me.
    {please, don't take this too offence, it is just a joke making fun of scene kids.}

  10. marlboro* marlboro*
    posted a quote
    July 30, 2013 3:20pm UTC
    Staring blank, at a wall.
    never felt, so alone.

  11. Repair Boy 🔥* Repair Boy 🔥*
    posted a quote
    January 10, 2014 8:25am UTC
    Liberty and justice for all,
    United as one we stand tall.
    Liberty and justice for all,
    United as one,
    United as one!

  12. OnePieceAceLover02 OnePieceAceLover02
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2013 7:08pm UTC
    Sometimes The Hardest Thing To Wear Is Our Own Skin -Jayy Von Monroe

  13. suicide_fallen_angel suicide_fallen_angel
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2013 12:11am UTC
    You Are The Heart
    That Beats Inside Of Me
    If You Give Up Tonight
    You Give up On Me
    Take Back Your Life
    And Put Down The Kife
    -Dahvie Vanity

  14. Asking_Alexis Asking_Alexis
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2013 11:29pm UTC
    Alright.. I just need to rant about this. Lol.
    I really can't stand it when people label themselves as 'scene' or 'emo'. Whywould you put a label on yourself?
    Emo is short for emotion. Emo doesn't mean that a person takes a blade or something sharp to their skin.
    Basically by labeling yourself, you are giving others the right to call you 'emo'or 'scene'.
    And 'scene' kids,
    You guys are more punks than scene. I speak from experience.
    You don't have to be loud and extremely freaking random all the time.
    That stuff gets annoying.
    And when you guys think you're 'scene' because you 'love' the Cookie Monster and Hello Kitty because all of the other 'scene' kids do.
    I was there once. I used to be considered a 'scene' kid. No, I did not call myself a scene kid.
    I like Hello Kitty because she's adorable, not because everyone else likes her.
    I don't even like the Cookie Monster.
    What alos bugs me is when 'scene' kids call the music the listen to 'screamo'.
    That's not even a genre of music.
    And I can totally understand 'scene' kids liking Black Veil Brides. Their music is pretty good and inspirational.
    But, Blood On the Dance Floor?
    A lot of their songs are about s*x.
    Like their songs, Scream for my Ice Cream, Hello Kitty, SMyD, S*x and Violence, Well Suck Me!, and S*xting, for example, are about s*x.
    I'mma Monster is just plain weird, Blood On The Dane Floor, Death To You Heart, and many more songs are twisted and half of them have me thinking 'wtf is this?'
    Not to be rude, but how can songs about s*x and murder be.. inspiring? Like I cant' Stand BOTDF because their songs are so weird and have me think why I even wanted to listen to it.
    Blood On The Dance Floor:Slash Gash Terror Wh*re, I Like you better on the floor.
    Death To Your Heart: So when I take this razor to your neck, I'll cut out all your f*cking regrets.
    Back to my main point.
    I'm sorry but when people do this it just, sorta, aggrivates me.
    So for all you guys labeling yourself 'scene' and 'emo',
    Just remember..
    Labels are for soup cans, not for people.

  15. xoJiggyBoo xoJiggyBoo
    posted a quote
    July 10, 2013 1:51pm UTC
    If you like:
    `Motionless in White
    `Black Veil Brides
    `Blood on the Dance Floor
    `My Chemical Romance
    `Sleeping With Sirens
    `Pierce the Veil
    `Papa Roach
    `Asking Alexandria
    `Fall Out Boy
    `Green Day
    `My Darkest Days
    or anything of the sort...
    Follow me and comment on my profile :3

  16. roseth0rn roseth0rn
    posted a quote
    March 14, 2013 5:56pm UTC
    I refuse to sink
    I’d rather swim..

  17. Repair Boy 🔥* Repair Boy 🔥*
    posted a quote
    January 10, 2014 8:32am UTC
    Those who fight today against torture, poverty and discrimination, are not giants or superheroes.
    They're people, kids, mothers, fathers, teachers.
    Free thinking individuals who refused to be silent, who realize human rights are not history lessons, they're not words on a page, they're not speeches or commercials or PR campaigns.
    They are choices we make every single day as human beings, they're our responsibilities we all share, to respect each other, to help each other, to protect those in need.

  18. punkmember25 punkmember25
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2013 5:39pm UTC
    "hate is easy,
    love takes courage." ❤
    -jayy von monroe.

  19. Repair Boy 🔥* Repair Boy 🔥*
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2013 6:53am UTC
    Is a terrible thing to hate.

  20. Everybodydotheflop Everybodydotheflop
    posted a quote
    October 20, 2013 5:55am UTC
    Me: *on facebook*
    Me: *scrolling*
    Facebook: Recommended for you: Blood On The Dancefloor
    Parents: So the laptop just suddenly went on fire?
    Me: yup


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