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Best Bostonbombings Quotes This Year

  1. elysian* elysian*
    posted a quote
    April 17, 2013 1:36am UTC
    Praying for those in the Boston Bombings
    Praying for those in Iraq where 20 bombs were set off.
    Praying for the 29 children that were killed in Somalia because of a bomb set off.
    Praying for the thousands of innocent victims of the U.S. drones in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia.
    Praying for this whole world.
    Because every life matters, and because they are all equally as important.

  2. dinosaur_rawr dinosaur_rawr
    posted a quote
    April 16, 2013 3:40am UTC
    So 3 people died and around 150 people were injured in the Boston bombings yesterday. Yes I do feel sorry for all the victims but I dont understand it. I dont understand why everyone is so bothered about it all the way over here in England. I mean yes it is a terrible thing to happen but worse things happen everyday much closer to us and are we bothered about that? No because everyone is too busy caring about the Bosten bombings and all the things that happen in America. but what else happened yesterday? 100s of people in the Middle East have been kidnapped and forced into marrying someone they dont want to or have been rapped (take out one of the Ps apparently its a bad word) and killed. Do I hear anyone talking about that? no. On average 2.5 people are killed everyday in Iraq thatss about 75 per month 900 per year and thats been happening for years, its still happening now and its gonna keep happening for God knows how long. So why are we all just bothering about things in America that have already happened and that we cant do anything about? Why are we not bothered about things that are still happening and that we could do something about? I just dont understand. (sorry if I got the figures wrong thats what I heard on the radio and found on the internet)

  3. RoseRibbons RoseRibbons
    posted a quote
    April 16, 2013 3:22am UTC
    I haven't posted for ages because I can't be bothered but I really really need to rant.
    You know what? The Boston Bombings were definately tragic and it's sad that 3 people have died and heaps are injured. But did you know that today the US bombed an Afghan wedding killing 30 people and injured more than 70 people. They were all just innocent people. But do you hear the President apologising for that? No. A car bombing in the Middle East killed 15 people today. No RIP's for them? I am just so sick of the media only focusing on Americans and Europeans. I am so sick of people posting about events just because everyone else is, and feeling sad about something they barely understand. I am so sick of people assuming that some people's lives are more valuable than others. I am so sick of the blatent racismm and the blind nationalism. It's kind of funny isn't it how those three lives are more important than everyone elses? All crimes against humans are crimes against humanity as a whole.
    We should not be drawing distinctions between the importance of one life and another because of their colour of their skin or the country they live in. If you want to support the victims, go for it. They'll get plenty of help since the media can use them for their own gain, so I'll be spending my time trying to bring some things to light.

  4. TalkingMonkeys TalkingMonkeys
    posted a quote
    April 17, 2013 12:24pm UTC

  5. RejectedGamer RejectedGamer
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2013 8:09pm UTC
    {"You are born to live your days,}
    our situations are lessons for us to learn, to find a solution and to live better than before. No matter how good or bad your situations are, those are destined to happen. Face it. We never know how long we will breath, but you are born to live your days.
    My heart goes out to all those involved with the bombing at a Boston marathon today. Hopefully they can all move forward as a community and make sure nothing like this ever happens again.


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