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Best Blogformyboyfriend Quotes This Month

  1. Gabbyyy ;* ♥* Gabbyyy ;* ♥*
    posted a quote
    February 13, 2014 9:15pm UTC
    Dustin, my love,
    You're perfect, and I hope to stay with you forever.
    You're my whole world, and I've never met a man as amazing as you.
    I'm hoping someday I can be your best friend as well as your girlfriend.
    You're mean so much to me, and my god you take my breath away.
    I truly never thought I'd meet anyone who could make me feel this way,
    But you clearly changed that about me.
    The way you laugh, smile, speak to me, even the way you look at me, completely captivates me.
    I'll always find something about you that hold my interest.
    The way you joke with me and how you make me feel.
    It's flawless, you're flawless.
    I miss everything about you when we're not together.
    My heart is yours, and that's where it's going to stay, even if you walk away.
    Please don't. Please?
    I can live without you, but I'd feel lost the entire time.
    You make me happier than I've ever been.
    I love you.
    If you decide to leave, I can't stop you, but I hope you'll stay.
    Think twice about us before you decide to leave.
    I love you with all of my heart.
    Yours always,
    Gabby. ♥


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