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Bby Quotes

  1. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    October 3, 2016 11:38pm UTC
    I said I'd never abandon witty... juggling work, my boyfriend (who lives in an area that only gets verizon service.. I don't have verizon), and studying has really shot that to hell

  2. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    January 16, 2016 1:05pm UTC
    my crush came into work yesterday, and was talking to my mom. she is the manager of our store, he is the manager of the store a few places up. they converse. he is nice and adorable and looks hella fine in gaming tshirts. anyway, he was talking to her about how he almost died. he got sick and his temperature was pretty much fatal. he was in the hospital for days.

  3. My_Lazy_Knight* My_Lazy_Knight*
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2014 4:39pm UTC
    If God loves me me, he won't let him leave

  4. My_Lazy_Knight* My_Lazy_Knight*
    posted a quote
    March 23, 2014 9:13pm UTC
    I never thought I'd find you...

  5. My_Lazy_Knight* My_Lazy_Knight*
    posted a quote
    March 23, 2014 4:25pm UTC
    Everyone! Go follow my bby Justin!!!

  6. anchorage* anchorage*
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2014 1:39am UTC
    Tell the haters they be trippin, I smile for attention.
    Show the world just what you're made of, and baby we'll get faded.,

  7. * Cait * * Cait *
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2014 7:31pm UTC
    you don't and never will love me like I love you

  8. * Cait * * Cait *
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2014 8:26pm UTC
    I need you to love me, love me

  9. * Cait * * Cait *
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2013 7:44pm UTC
    And I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of you

  10. * Cait * * Cait *
    posted a quote
    November 18, 2013 8:49pm UTC
    i just wanna be with you

  11. KeremBürsin♡* KeremBürsin♡*
    posted a quote
    November 13, 2013 3:14pm UTC

  12. * Cait * * Cait *
    posted a quote
    November 12, 2013 6:01pm UTC
    I always wonder what goes through your mind when you talk to me

  13. of_mice_and_lucifer* of_mice_and_lucifer*
    posted a quote
    November 3, 2013 11:52pm UTC
    walk walk fashun bby

  14. torture torture
    posted a quote
    September 26, 2013 11:02pm UTC
    i met you and my life changed in an instant
    i love you
    i love you
    i love you

  15. ThePeaceMaker ThePeaceMaker
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2013 6:44pm UTC
    I really miss my friend Kathleen,
    We used to hang out all the time
    and we were friends since 6th grade.
    But like we never talk anymore
    and it makes me sad
    Because we have/had so much in common
    I love you
    If you are reading this.

  16. ImmaBeWitty ImmaBeWitty
    posted a quote
    August 13, 2013 4:13pm UTC

    I'm 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bones. Sarcasm is my only defense.
    – Stiles Stilinski, Teen Wolf

  17. josiewdog123 josiewdog123
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2013 8:36am UTC
    Dear Michael Jackson.
    I wish I had the chance to hug you, and tell you that you're beautiful, and there is no reason to cry. The pain that you went through, in order to please your fans, to be the best, and to help the world, is unimaginable. Yet, a lot of people don't pay attention to the good in you, rather they turn their attention towards the alleged claims that you caught yourself in the middle of. It's always, "Wacko Jackso is scary" "I won't let my kid listen to him if his music was the last on earth" my personal favorite, "He bleached his skin on purpose." If people could only understand the real you, they would understand and stop the constant nonsense. You did what you had to do, you lived your life accordingly to help people and change the world. You are still amazing, and beautiful. You did eveything you could to see yourself as beautiful in your own eyes, but sadly, nothing worked. You tried to see yourself as beautiful by changing things about you; getting rid of the vitiligo for good, changing your face. As you did, the press exploited you, and didn't understand your true intentions. I want to apologize on behalf of everyone. I love you so much, and I miss you to peices. Thank you Michael

  18. ItsOkToBePerfect ItsOkToBePerfect
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2013 3:52pm UTC
    Americans are annoying?
    you're just mad because Americans have one type of tea that you don't have!

  19. sparkle123 sparkle123
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2013 7:45pm UTC
    me: hey hot stuff
    me: *eats pizza*

  20. AcaciaIsPerfect AcaciaIsPerfect
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2013 10:40am UTC
    I'm perfect!


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