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Bambi Quotes

  1. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2013 10:31am UTC
    When I was little, my mom used
    to quote Bambi all the time;
    but in the most unhelpful ways.
    "eating greens is a special treat,
    it makes loooong ears and great
    big feet, but it sure is awful stuff
    to eat." Thank you mom,
    I'll pass on the vegetables then.

  2. Fαy Στylες* Fαy Στylες*
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2013 5:10pm UTC
    If you didn't cry when Bambi's mother died ,
    I don't even want to be aware of your existance.

  3. lovethatboy4nowatleast lovethatboy4nowatleast
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2013 1:23pm UTC
    Just to make you all feel old...
    You know all your favourite Disney Movies?
    o Snow White released in 1937
    o Pinocchio released in 1940
    o Dumbo released in 1941
    o Bambi releasesd in 1942
    o Cinderella released in 1950
    o Alice in Wonderland released 1951
    o Lady and the Tramp released in 1955
    o Sleeping Beauty released in 1959
    o The Jungle Book released in 1967
    o The Aristocats released in 1970
    o The Little Mermaid released in 1989
    o Beauty and the Beast released in 1991
    o Aladdin released in 1992
    o The Lion King released in 1994
    o Pocahontas released in 1995
    o 101 Dalmations released in 1996
    o Mulan released in 1998
    So even though most of these films are older than me!
    They are still so much better than modern ones :)
    I hope you <3 my quote and good luck finding your happy ever after !

  4. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2013 3:43pm UTC
    The real b//tch list:
    -The guy who killed Bambi's mom
    -The barracuda that ate Nemo's mom

  5. RejectedGamer RejectedGamer
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2013 11:40pm UTC
    *after watching life of pi*
    Boyfriend: Wow, that was an awesome movie. Wasn't it?
    Me: It was okay
    Boyfriend: It was better than okay
    Me: It wasn't even sad!
    Boyfriend: His whole family died!
    Me: Yeah, still not sad enough.
    Boyfriend: Didn't you see all those animals drown?
    Me: Still.
    Boyfriend: You cried watching bambi!
    Me: You Biabidetch


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