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Best Balloons Quotes Today

  1. JKS123 JKS123
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2013 7:00am UTC
    Friends are like balloons
    If you stab them they die.

  2. Clarice Clarice
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2013 10:55am UTC
    Dear Students with birthdays from September to May,
    What's it like having your
    friends decorate your locker
    for your birthday?
    Students with birthdays from June to August

  3. daniigee daniigee
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2013 12:28pm UTC
    Balloons are so weird. Like, happy birthday here's a plastic sack of my breath.

  4. abigaail abigaail
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2013 4:35pm UTC
    Balloons are so weird...
    "Happy birthday, heres a plastic sack of my breath."

  5. CloudyWithAChanceOfDeath CloudyWithAChanceOfDeath
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2013 10:32pm UTC
    Confession #1
    I have a fear of balloons.
    One day we needed to blow up balloons in science
    and one popped right next to my ear.
    I had a panic attack in the middle of class.

  6. budcool budcool
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2013 5:36pm UTC
    Balloons are so weird like... "Happy birthday! Here's a plastic sack of my breath!"

  7. Carla Crahan.* Carla Crahan.*
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2014 6:06pm UTC
    Balloons are so weird...
    'Happy birthday, here's a plastic sack of my breath!'

  8. *Tori Leigh* *Tori Leigh*
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2014 4:38pm UTC
    So yesterday I was talking with some friends during geometry class and we were talking about condoms being like incredibly inflatable. Like, I was telling them about
    how I watched this youtube video where this guy pumps air into one and it literally gets bigger than his torso, and the thing takes up the whole screen.
    Well... so I was like...
    Me: ... and it just got bigger and bigger and like...
    *teacher sneaks up behind me*
    Him: *quietly* .. and bigger..?
    *teacher silently walks away*
    Me and friends: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLL *dies*

  9. KT_143 KT_143
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2013 3:30pm UTC
    Balloons are so weird…
    "Happy Birthday, here's a
    plastic sack of my breathe."

  10. kimbles kimbles
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2013 9:02am UTC
    balloons are weird... it's like "happy birthday...here's a plastic sack of my breath."

  11. RingoStar RingoStar
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2013 9:00pm UTC
    Balloons are so weird. It's like:
    "Happy birthday, here's a colorful sack of my breath."

  12. MeowMeowPower MeowMeowPower
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2013 7:53am UTC
    Balloons are so weird..."Happy birthday, here's a plastic sack of my breath!"

  13. coolsuperstarz coolsuperstarz
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2013 9:44pm UTC
    if you think about it, balloons are really weird,
    "happy birthday, here's a plastic sack of my breath."

  14. smileschangepeople smileschangepeople
    posted a quote
    August 17, 2013 6:25pm UTC
    *Kid cries because balloon is popped*
    *Guy blows up another one*
    *Gives kid balloon*
    *Kid becomes happy*
    *Guy pops it in his face*
    ~Descpicable Me

  15. Deep breaths, my love* Deep breaths, my love*
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2014 9:48pm UTC
    Friends are like balloons, if you stab them they die.

  16. cocopuffs cocopuffs
    posted a quote
    September 20, 2013 9:41pm UTC
    Balloons are so weird…
    “happy birthday, here’s a plastic sack of my breath”

  17. abkamel* abkamel*
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2013 11:14pm UTC
    Isn't volleyball just a giant game of don't drop the balloon?

  18. music_is_forever1 music_is_forever1
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2013 3:11pm UTC
    Balloons are so weird.
    "Happy Birthday! Here's a plastic sack of my breath!"

  19. ThatWeirdGirl* ThatWeirdGirl*
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2013 9:13pm UTC
    Holding onto someone who doesn't love you back,
    is like holding onto a balloon.
    When you let go of course you're going to miss it.
    But you're hands will be free and you get to do so much more
    that maybe it's worth it.

  20. Deep breaths, my love* Deep breaths, my love*
    posted a quote
    July 21, 2014 8:53pm UTC
    Friends are like balloons, if you stab them they die.


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