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Authorsnote Quotes

  1. OnceUponAStory OnceUponAStory
    posted a quote
    September 14, 2013 8:51pm UTC
    The Letter. THE CHANGE. The Lie.
    Story Update:
    Hey guys.... Sooo obviously its been a long time since I've posted anything (almost 70 days, I couldn't believe it when I saw that) and honestly I haven't been writing much either...
    Honestly I doubt anyone will still read my story except maybe TaintedCherry (you are by the way the reason I am writing again haha). I will post a mini summary of what had been happening as my next quote and then chapter 87.
    Here's the thing though guys, I don't know how much I'll be able to write. I'm doing five hours of homework a night and my schedule is soooo off. Honestly. My boyfriend(yes I got a boyfriend, like what??) is studying abroad right now so crazy hours trying to talk because we are going to try to make this work. Judge if you want, I dont care. My point is life is crazy but as TaintedCherry told me I need to get my life together and write for you guys. You're this far into the story, you deserve to know how it ends.
    So if anyone was dying to know how this story ended and wanted me to finish, thank TaintedCherry. I've been missing writing for a while now and her comment was just the kick I needed to get going again.

  2. tigersforever tigersforever
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2013 4:51pm UTC
    I dont feel my story is going very well. Im thinking about ending it. But well i guess we'll see.

  3. OnceUponAStory OnceUponAStory
    posted a quote
    June 15, 2013 1:33am UTC
    The Letter. THE CHANGE. The Lie.
    Chapter 84: July 18
    *Katia's POV*
    A/N: Part 1 is a click to see quote. Sorry!
    The anger that had built up during the fight started to dissipate. I started to doubt everything I had thought about, most of the things I decided on were impacted immensely by the fact I knew he was keeping secrets from me. Everyone was building this secret up like it was going to be something huge- I thought it was going to be that he was cheating on me or didn't actually want to be with me- and it turned out to be something I was actually happy to hear.
    "Katia," he took another step forward so he was standing directly in front of me. Taking my hands in his he looked into my blue-green eyes as he spoke. "I know you are hurt. I know it's going to take you a while to be okay again, but I'm okay with that. I want to help you realize that not all guys are like Zach, and they aren't all going to use and abuse you."
    His eyes hardened as he talked about Zach just like they always did. He had always been protective of me when it came to him. I stared into his multicolored eyes looking for any indication that he was lying the entire time he spoke.
    "I love you, Katia. I want to make this work." Our conversation went from hostile tones to loving and caring in just a matter of seconds. My brain struggled to come up with something to say.
    "Wh-what about n-eeding sp-sp-space?" I stuttered.
    My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest as Louis released one of my hands from his grasp and lifted my chin up so I was looking at him instead of our feet. His thumb grazed lightly over my bottom lip as I stared into his eyes.
    "You said you don't love the idea, and I sure as H.ll hate it. So let's not take a break. Katia," he paused, drawing my attention again. "Please don't leave me. I love you, I can spoil you if you want. I can give you anything, I will help you through everything. Just please don't leave me."
    My heart broke; I didn't want to leave him, I just needed time to heal from the mental wounds Zach and Ashlyn had left on me. I knew he would do everything that he could for me, but I didn't want him to do anything for me. Maybe that was my pride, getting in the way yet again. I wanted to get over my issues by myself.
    But you can't, a voice reminded. You need help. I felt my heart start to beat loud and slow as my breaths became shallow. Lou was staring at me intently, waiting for me to give him an answer. My mind was swirling with thoughts and emotions and new facts. With one final deep breath I answered him.
    AUTHOR'S NOTE: Mwhahaha! <--- my maniacal laugh. Okay so for some odd reason I'm really hyper and in a good mood even though its like midnight and I have to wake up in six hours(opps!) but i stayed up to finish writing this to give you guys an update! Even though I left you on a major cliff hanger! Why is this cliff hanger any more important than the previous ones? Well, because simply put the entire story can change based on her answer.
    Okay so guys, I really want to hear from you all! Tell me what you think her answer should be: should she still think they need a break? Should she decide that they don't need a break? What did you all think of Louis's explanation of what the secret was? (TaintedCherry I want to know your thoughts haha) Guys seriously I just want to hear from you. It makes it so much easier to write because I feel like people actually care about my story. I don't know it's hard to explain. So even if you are just telling me something you wish was different in the story or that my writing skills completely suck I just want to hear from you!! Okay I'm done begging lol(:
    Thank you so much for reading guys! Love you all!xx

  4. tigersforever tigersforever
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2013 3:20pm UTC
    I just want to apoligize to everyone reading my story. I know i take forever to update. Also its not over yet.

  5. OnceUponAStory OnceUponAStory
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2013 1:23am UTC
    The Letter. THE CHANGE. The Lie.
    Story Update:
    Hello! So I'm still not done with chapter 84, or any where close so I can't give you part two and three of chapter 83 yet. I'm very conflicted on what to do, there is what I want to happen, and then there is what the characters would do but I don't like it and neither will you guys(well I don't think you will, guess I shouldn't speak for you though).
    Some more bad news unfortunately, I will not be able to post, or write anything for the rest of next week. I was selected to go to girl's state (which is were I have to go to the State capitol and run for an office and a whole bunch of other stuff... I don't really know what I'm doing there honestly) and there is no internet connection. Guys, I won't have Witty for a week! But anyway back to the story: the earliest I will be able to post is next Sunday. I feel so bad about that guys and I wish I had at the rest of the chapter to give to you but I don't. So sorry guys, please don't hate me. I hope you all understand!
    P.S. Is anyone else going to Girl's State??

  6. OnceUponAStory OnceUponAStory
    posted a quote
    May 26, 2013 1:22am UTC
    The Letter. THE CHANGE. The Lie.
    Story Update:
    Hey guys! Sorry bout this, but part two of chapter 82 is a click to see quote (opps!). I clicked the add quote button as the warning was loading so I didn't see it until after the quote was already added. Sorry! /:
    Hope you enjoy the story!

  7. OnceUponAStory OnceUponAStory
    posted a quote
    May 13, 2013 12:00am UTC
    The Letter. THE CHANGE. The Lie.
    Story Update:
    So.... I feel horrible. ): I've been a horrible writer lately and I'm not going to lie, I haven't really worked on the story. Track and school just took over my life and I was up all last week until like midnight working and it just was bad. But school is almost out and when it is I will be free to write again.
    Before I get all excited over that though, are people still interested in this story? I know it has gotten really long (I have never been one to write short stories), but are you guys still interested in it? Or do you just feel obliged to read because you have so far? Don't be afraid to hurt my feelings, I'd rather know then think people are actually enjoying my writing. If you are still interested in the story please let me know. I know a lot of people read stories but don't fav them, and I'm fine with that but just this one time, if you are reading and you really do want me to continue could you please fav it, or comment and let me know? Thanks.
    Thank you so much guys for dealing with me and horrible writing habits and just everything. It really means a lot to me that someone is enjoying my story and I love you all!

  8. OnceUponAStory OnceUponAStory
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2013 1:09am UTC
    The Letter. THE CHANGE. The Lie.
    Story Update
    Hello! So this is pretty much a giant apology to everyone for how bad I've been at posting. I have been crazy busy with track and homework and preparing for the ACT and on top of all of that I've been having crazy writers block (Just on this story though, I've come up with 3 new story ideas in the past week!). Also I think it is pretty evident that I will not be reaching my goal of finishing The Change by the end of March, oh well. I have decided to end this part sooner and add everything else to The Lie so I should be done sooner. Anyway, I'm so sorry! Please don't hate me, I'm going to try to have something written before Monday. If you guys have any ideas on what should happen next or anything at all (I am still looking for a song *Cough**hint hint* *overly obnoxious winking face*) I'd love to hear them! Thank you so much for reading my story! Love you all!

  9. DontLetThemGetToYou DontLetThemGetToYou
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2013 6:23pm UTC
    Two Worlds
    Author's Note
    I can't continue this story anymore.
    I always discontinue my stories, so there's no surprise about this one.
    I'm so sorry! :(
    she was the enemy

  10. aislinn325 aislinn325
    posted a quote
    February 18, 2013 9:59pm UTC
    Stepping Out
    Author's Note
    Hey guys,
    in the last chapter (17),
    me being me i made a typo
    in the texting part it should be between Aven and Greyson NOT Seth
    i must've spaced and not realized
    sorry if i freaked some of you out
    (thanks to Nathalie4ever for pointing that out)

  11. OnceUponAStory OnceUponAStory
    posted a quote
    February 18, 2013 1:22am UTC
    The Letter. THE CHANGE. The Lie.
    Story Update:
    Hey guys! So some good news: I'm finally done with my research paper!! :D I feel like I did badly on it but I'm done. So now I am finally going to be able to write again!! So excited! Any ideas on what should happen in the upcoming future?? I'd love to hear them!
    While I have your attention.... you should totally go check out 1hockey2lax3crazy!! She is amazing and so is her story!! Seriously if you are not currently reading her story you should go read it! And, while you are at it, you should also go check out 1D_Fanfiction. If you like my story and are not yet a fan of hers, I promise you you will be. So to quicly recap: 1hockey2lax3crazy and 1D_Fanfiction are both amazing individuals, and their stories are just as amazing and you should go check them out! haha(:
    Thank you so much to anyone who is reading my story, I love you all!

  12. OnceUponAStory OnceUponAStory
    posted a quote
    February 9, 2013 8:06pm UTC
    The Letter. THE CHANGE. The Lie.
    Please read the A/N
    Chapter 47:
    *Katia's POV*
    I woke up early the next morning, too early for anyone to be up. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep, not after the nightmare I had just woken up from. So I decided to go for a run. I threw on a pair of running capris along with a thin sweatshirt. I strapped my iPod to my arm and put my headphones in. I wrote Harry a quick note telling him where I was going and then left.
    I blared the music loud, loud enough I couldn't hear myself breathe, loud enough I couldn't hear myself think. I didn't want to think, I just wanted to get away. I didn't want to think about what was going on with Louis, or about my nightmare, or my parents, or Zach, or Ashlyn, or anything else that was going through my mind.
    I ran farther than I initially planned, but I needed more time. Eventually I decided to head back, I had already ran 30 minutes and I knew the way back would be harder. Turning up the volume I turned around. I actually ended up taking less time running back, and was soon in front of Harry's. I ran the entire time until I was in the door.
    Harry still wasn't up so I threw the note away. Grabbing a change of clothes I walked into the bathroom. I turned the water on and as I waited for it to warm up I started examining myself. As much as I hated it, I couldn't shake the thoughts of Zach, not even during my run. As I looked at my arms I realized most of the bruises were gone, just a couple left. I turned around and looked at my back. It was still fairly bad. The size was smaller, but it was still dark in color.
    Steam had started to form on the mirror so I stepped into the shower. Once I was done I took my time getting ready. I completely dried my hair and then straightened it. I ended up just throwing it up in a messy bun, but I wasn't doing it for style, just to take up time. It was already 11, 4 hours since I woke up.
    I walked back to my room and threw my clothes in the laundry basket and realized I should probably do some laundry. I was separating my clothes into piles when I heard my phone ringing from the nightstand.
    I answered it, expecting it to just be one of the guys or Mia. "Hola!"
    "Good morning Katia," my mom responded.
    "Good morning," the change in my tone of voice was dramatic.
    "I wanted to talk to you about... what happened last night," she said, choosing her words carefully.
    "What? You mean when Dad unrightfully started yelling at me?"
    "Katia, you know how he is. He just doesn't like the idea of you dating an older guy," she defended him.
    "There is a 6 year difference between you and dad. There is only 4 years between Lou and I!" I argued.
    "I know, and I do think he over reacted..."
    "So that means I can stay? I don't have to come home?" I interrupted.
    "I don't know, I'll talk to him," she said slowly. My heart soared. I might not have to leave, I might be able to stay.
    We talked for a bit longer before I heard Harry walking around. I told her I had to go and I'd talk to her later. Hanging up I skipped out to the kitchen, happy and ready to start this day.
    AUTHORS NOTE: Hey guys. So I decided that I am going to finish The Change before taking a break. I am though starting to think of new story ideas and wanted to know if anyone would be against me doing a story that isn't a 1D fanfic. I kind of have an idea I'm tossing around but its really kind of out there. If anyone has a preference on if my next story should be another fanfic or not please let me know! Thank you so much for reading! Love you all!

  13. OnceUponAStory OnceUponAStory
    posted a quote
    February 9, 2013 1:40am UTC
    The Letter. THE CHANGE. The Lie.
    Story Update
    Hello. Sorry I haven't posted lately, I've been crazy busy with this research paper (only a week left to work on it!). I have the next couple chapters written but I wanted to ask you guys a question: Are you bored with the story? I kind of am, just with where we are though. I don't know what I'm going to do right now. I will finish it, I promise you guys that. I just don't know if I'm going to take a break and write a different story or if I'm going to wait until I'm finished with The Change and then take a break. I still have a lot left in The Change though. I don't know I guess I just wanted to hear some of your opinoins I guess. So what do you guys think? Are you all bored out of your minds with this story? Would you be mad if I took a break? Or do you want me wait? I really want to know what you guys think so please let me know. Thank you so much! Love you all!

  14. aislinn325 aislinn325
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2013 3:28pm UTC
    Stepping Out
    Author's Note
    hey guys, sorry i haven't posted since like friday
    i have had colorguard practices/competion this weekend and some weeknights...
    i'm going to take a week, collect myself, and try to figure this crapload of stuff i have going on
    i won't be posting any new chapters till maybe sunday
    i'm sorry and i hope you guys understand


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