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Aries Quotes

  1. Etsimaresei Etsimaresei
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2016 6:18am UTC
    The signs in a gang team
    Aries: The one who starts every fight with other gang teams, great at fighting.
    Taurus: The one who has everything they need; food, weapons, spray etc.
    Gemini: The one who is sent to be a member of other gang teams just to give their actual team info.
    Cancer: The one who drives them out of trouble.
    Leo: The leader who gives instructions to EVERYONE.
    Virgo: The one who drives them to the place of the fight.
    Libra: The one who is sent to make everyone be with their side.
    Scorpio: The best fighter. EVER.
    Sagittarius: The rebel that never follows the leader.
    Capricorn: The one who has almost every single plan.
    Aquarius: The crazy one who makes graffities everywhere. EVERYWHERE.
    Pisces: The one who other teams make fun of for being cute but ends up fighting the sh*t out of them.

  2. Etsimaresei Etsimaresei
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2016 2:17pm UTC
    The signs when at school:
    Aries: Argues with someone, make it be the teacher or another kid.
    Taurus: Eats in class.
    Gemini: Is on their phone all the time, but somehow manages to have average grades.
    Cancer: Average student, waits till the lunch break to get out of there.
    Leo: Either the best or the worst student, there's no inbetween, talks to everyone near them.
    Virgo: Very good student, pays attention and hates it when they talk to them.
    Libra: The best at Maths, probably the only subject they're good at.
    Scorpio: Plans about killing someone.
    Sagittarius: Draws on the tables, probably flirts, copying machine.
    Capricorn: Very good student, gets great grades and hates it when others copy them.
    Aquarius: Sleeps.
    Pisces: Nobody really knows.

  3. Etsimaresei Etsimaresei
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2016 2:04pm UTC
    When the signs hear strange sounds from the basement:
    Aries: Goes to see what it is.
    Taurus: Freaks out a little, but if it stops, they just continue their popcorn.
    Gemini: Texts someone for advice.
    Cancer: Screams, cries or says: Hello? Anyone in there?
    Leo: Grabs a knife or something and stays for some time near the basement, just in case.
    Virgo: Tries to understand what it is by hearing the sounds.
    Libra: Gets a text from Gemini.
    Scorpio: Gets ready to fight and goes downstairs.
    Sagittarius: Is probably the one making the sounds, so yeah.
    Capricorn: Ignores.
    Aquarius: Tries to stay as far as possible.
    Pisces: Cries, scared, way too confused.

  4. Etsimaresei Etsimaresei
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2016 1:28pm UTC
    Aries: I'm gonna punch anyone who woke me up.
    Taurus: BREAKFAST. NOW./5 more minutes...
    Gemini: Let me wake up my twin brother/sister...
    Cancer: I don't wanna wake up! *cries*
    Leo: I look awesome! AGAIN!
    Libra: I'm not balanced? *Screams*
    Scorpio: Who woke me up? I'm gonna murder y'all...
    Sagittarius: *Falls down of the bed*
    Capricorn: Good morning everyone! *Holds feelings inside and they explode*
    Aquarius: Well, whatever...
    Pisces: Wait... DID WE HAVE HW? OMG, I FORGOT!

  5. sleepy sleepy
    posted a quote
    January 19, 2014 11:12pm UTC
    Format made by Sleepy.
    Please, ONLY use this as a quote on witty.
    themes, do not use on any other site.
    Please leave credit in the
    astrology with sleepy
    the most glamorous sun signs
    ♈ — Aries
    ♉ — Taurus
    ♊ — Gemini
    ♌ — Leo
    ♎ — Libra
    ♑ — Capricorn

  6. cujo* cujo*
    posted a quote
    March 4, 2013 7:35am UTC
    I find it terrifying, yet amazing how accurate horoscopes have been. One moment I'd be thinking of making certain decisions, the next, my horoscope advises the exact idea. It didn't even just happen once, but multiple times. Is it just me or is anyone else experiencing this too?


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