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Best Anorexic Quotes Today

  1. MaddyWaddy MaddyWaddy
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2013 10:49am UTC

  2. rooftops* rooftops*
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2013 4:43pm UTC
    Dear losers,
    I'm just kidding, I love you all.
    So today my friend's and I were talking at lunch. I was just sitting doing some homework because there's not a flipping way I'm eating that food. Or any food, but not the point.
    And we were talking about how common teen pregnacy is at my school. There is seriously so many pregnant teens at my school. And my friend Katie goes, "Hannah was pregnant over the summer!" as a joke, right?
    I joked back with, "Duh! You guys didn't know? I got pregnant and had a kid all in two months."
    And my one friend Jess then proceeded too say, "Well that's why your so fat, isn't it?"
    There was only me and three people sitting there so Katie (one of the three people) jumped on him with, "She's f//cking tiny, why would you say that?"
    By now my face is burried into my drivers ed book, just wishing I wasn't there as I tried to study the words on the page.
    So to save himself, and I guess he really thought it would, he goes. "She's anorexic, of course I know she's tiny. She's thinner than me." Which is an utter lie by the way.
    For some reason that hurt just as much as being called fat. I'm still yet to figure out why.
    I mean, in some sick way, I kind of want to be anorexic, right? That is why I'm not eating and throwing up my food?
    Who knows anymore.

  3. Faylea Faylea
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2013 7:33am UTC
    have a glass of water.
    still hungry?
    have an apple.
    still hungry?
    too bad. you need to be skinny.

  4. writtenrain* writtenrain*
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2013 1:12pm UTC
    I am fourteen years old and about 5 foot 1.
    I have a thigh gap.
    I weigh roughly 95 pounds.
    I wear size 1/2 jeans but can fit into size 0.
    I eat practically 24/7 but don't gain like any weight.
    And you know what?
    I am still self concious.
    I still feel like I'm not good enough.
    There are still a million things I want to change about myself.
    I am still unhappy with my weight.
    Don't believe me?
    I have been called anorexic.
    I have been called unhealthy.
    Even skinny people get made fun of by their weight.
    Thigh gaps and jean sizes are not everything.
    Take it from the girl who has basically everything you want.
    These things mean nothing.
    I am no different from you.

  5. tacosliketoparty tacosliketoparty
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2013 7:42pm UTC
    I'm gonna try&cut down on my eating,
    and excersize like 50% of the day,
    but i need you guy'es help!
    Any tips? thank you.

  6. Ashleyray123 Ashleyray123
    posted a quote
    May 17, 2014 12:22pm UTC
    Telling a skinny person that they are too skinny and that they should go "eat a sandwich"
    is just as offensive as telling a fat person they are too fat, and that they shoud eat less
    Skinny shaming is a real problem, it happens all the time, in the most ignorant ways
    People accuse skinny people of being anorexic or starving themselves
    Yea, people have anorexia and people do starve themselves
    But its just plain wrong and insulting to assume all thin people are thin because they are unhealthy
    lots of thin people have a high metabolism, they are skinny due to their genetics, gaining weight
    might be really difficult for them
    Lots of people play sports and are thin because they have a profession that requires them to be skinny
    this doesn't mean they are unhealthy
    skinny doesn't mean anorexic
    anorexic doesn't mean just being skinny
    and telling people like this to just go eat a sandwich and that will solve the supposed problem, is ignorant
    because it actually doesn't solve anything, it just shows how rude people are

  7. Faylea Faylea
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2013 8:29am UTC
    i just want to

  8. Faylea Faylea
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2013 8:22am UTC
    no one hates me more than myself

  9. TheeRunawaay TheeRunawaay
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2013 5:10pm UTC

  10. musicure musicure
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2016 1:18pm UTC
    When the skies are looking bad my dear,
    & your heart's lost all its hope,
    after dawn there will be sunshine,
    & all the dust will go

  11. thestarvinglife thestarvinglife
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2013 6:31pm UTC
    Anorexia is ...
    Migraines,stomach pains, muscle weakness, shaky hands, blurry vision, unsteady focus, sobbing uncontrollably, self-hatred, passing oit, dizziness,countless stares, screaming families, terrified friends, distoted mirrors, angry scales, disordered realities, failing organs, easy bruising, social withdraw, starvation, coma, death.
    Wrong. You will never be skinny. You will look at yourself in thne mirror every chance you get, and you will only see fat clinging to your stomach, the fat on you legs, your arms, EVERYWHERE. You will never be skinny, at least not in your mind.
    Also... many of those suffering from anorexia are either heathy weight or overweight. "Anorexic" is not, never has been, and never should be a synonym for "skinny".

  12. SweetMelody15 SweetMelody15
    posted a quote
    October 27, 2013 5:58pm UTC
    So I went to a Halloween party and I didn't really eat anything at the party and this friend of mine came up to me and said this: "Come on, don't be an anorexic." He has no idea how much that ticked me off. You just don't say that to people, I mean really. That was not okay.

  13. MyDarkFate MyDarkFate
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2015 10:48pm UTC
    Mirror Mirror
    Cant you see?
    What you show
    Killing me.

  14. lexilu4322 lexilu4322
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2013 5:47pm UTC
    dear daddy
    your baby girl is anorexic

  15. JazzySnow JazzySnow
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2013 6:19am UTC
    I told my parents.
    I told them everything.
    I told them that their little girl had been anorexic for almost a year.
    They didn't yell.
    They weren't dissapointed.
    They just felt bad they I felt like I couldn't talk to them.
    So if anyone reads this, can you do me a favor?
    Go call your parents.
    Tell them you need to talk right now.
    Tell them everything.
    Tell them about your cutting.
    Your depression.
    Your eating disorder.
    Whatever it is.
    Things can't get worse, right?
    Every second you don't tell them is a punch to their heart.
    Every hour is deep cut.
    Every day is a suffocating squeeze.
    Every month is a bullet.

  16. dontsellyourselfshort dontsellyourselfshort
    posted a quote
    September 2, 2013 3:43pm UTC
    Yesterday I was feeling really depressed. I swear I'm like retarded. My insomnia is bad! My O.C.D is coming out again. My mom yelled at me yesterday, she's so bipolar! You almost gave me a panic attack! You look so anorexic! Quit being psycho! Yesterday I was feeling really depressed. I swear I'm like retarded. My insomnia is bad! My O.C.D is coming out again. My mom yelled at me yesterday, she's so bipolar! You almost gave me a panic attack! You look so anorexic! Quit being psycho! Yesterday I was feeling really depressed. I swear I'm like retarded. My insomnia is bad! My O.C.D is coming out again. My mom yelled at me yesterday, she's so bipolar! You almost gave me a panic attack! You look so anorexic! Quit being psycho! Yesterday I was feeling really depressed. I swear I'm like retarded. My insomnia is bad! My O.C.D is coming out again. My mom yelled at me yesterday, she's so bipolar! You almost gave me a panic attack! You look so anorexic! Quit being psycho! Yesterday I was feeling really depressed. I swear I'm like retarded. My insomnia is bad! My O.C.D is coming out again. My mom yelled at me yesterday, she's so bipolar! You almost gave me a panic attack! You look so anorexic! Quit being psycho! Yesterday I was feeling really depressed. I swear I'm like retarded. My insomnia is bad! My O.C.D is coming out again.My mom yelled at me yesterday, she's so bipolar! You almost gave me a panic attack! You look so anorexic! Quit being psycho! Yesterday I was feeling really depressed. I swear I'm like retarded. My insomnia is bad! My O.C.D is coming out again. My mom yelled at me yesterday, she's so bipolar! You almost gave me a panic attack! You look so anorexic! Quit being psycho! Yesterday I was feeling really depressed. I swear I'm like retarded. My insomnia is bad! My O.C.D is coming out again. My mom yelled at me yesterday, she's so bipolar! You almost gave me a panic attack! You look so anorexic! Quit being psycho! Yesterday I was feeling really depressed. I swear I'm like retarded. My insomnia is bad! My O.C.D is coming out again. My mom yelled at me yesterday, she's so bipolar! You almost gave me a panic attack! You look so anorexic! Quit being psycho! Yesterday I was feeling really depressed. I swear I'm like retarded. My insomnia is bad! My O.C.D is coming out again. My mom yelled at me yesterday, she's so bipolar! You almost gave me a panic attack! You look so anorexic! Quit being psycho! Yesterday I was feeling really depressed. I swear I'm like retarded. My insomnia is bad! My O.C.D is coming out again. My mom yelled at me yesterday, she's so bipolar! You almost gave me a panic attack! You look so anorexic! Quit being psycho! Yesterday I was feeling really depressed. I swear I'm like retarded. My insomnia is bad! My O.C.D is coming out again.My mom yelled at me yesterday, she's so bipolar! You almost gave me a panic attack! You look so anorexic! Quit being psycho! Yesterday I was feeling really depressed. I swear I'm like retarded. My insomnia is bad! My O.C.D is coming out again. My mom yelled at me yesterday, she's so bipolar! You almost gave me a panic attack! You look so anorexic! Quit being psycho! Yesterday I was feeling really depressed. I swear I'm like retarded. My insomnia is bad! My O.C.D is coming out again. My mom yelled at me yesterday, she's so bipolar! You almost gave me a panic attack! You look so anorexic! Quit being psycho! Yesterday I was feeling really depressed. I swear I'm like retarded. My insomnia is bad! My O.C.D is coming out again. My mom yelled at me yesterday, she's so bipolar! You almost gave me a panic attack! You look so anorexic! Quit being psycho! Yesterday I was feeling really depressed. I swear I'm like retarded. My insomnia is bad! My O.C.D is coming out again. My mom yelled at me yesterday, she's so bipolar! You almost gave me a panic attack! You look so anorexic! Quit being psycho! Yesterday I was feeling really depressed. I swear I'm like retarded. My insomnia is bad! My O.C.D is coming out again. My mom yelled at me yesterday, she's so bipolar! You almost gave me a panic attack! You look so anorexic! Quit being psycho! Yesterday I was feeling really depressed. I swear I'm like retarded. My insomnia is bad! My O.C.D is coming out again.
    mental disorders are not adjetives.

  17. GlassHorizon GlassHorizon
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2013 1:55pm UTC
    The next person to tell me I have to 'eat more' or 'stop starving myself' is going to get a backhand across the face. No, I am not anorexic and I do not have an eating disorder. I eat plenty and excuse me if I don't eat when I'm not hungry. Pîss off.

  18. mariah_love1369 mariah_love1369
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2013 11:48am UTC
    I look at myself in the full length mirror, examning every inch of my body, going over every flaw i have. I cringe in disqust at what i see. Thighs that are too big and jiggle when i walk. A tummy that juts out and flabby arms. Chubby cheeks and dull green eyes. Stringy brown hair that falls down to my waist. Putting my hands on my fat stomach i start to cry. I just want to be beautiful
    A girl looks in the mirror and sees an illusion of herself. Her thighs are to small to jiggle and the only thing that juts out are her ribs. Her arms are slim and her cheecks are sunken in. Her eyes are bright green and her wavey brown hair flows down to her small waist, she's beautiful. With hands on her flat stomach and tears staining her cheecks she's blinded by societys view of beautiful. She decides to skip dinner like she's been doing for the past too months. With only an apple in her stomach she starts to workout. unaware that she's slowly killing herself.
    shes an
    beauty queen

  19. YayHijabi YayHijabi
    posted a quote
    May 26, 2013 4:53pm UTC
    I don't eat like I used to.
    Even when I do, I make myself throw it all up.
    I don't eat at college at all.
    Am I anorexic ? :(

  20. Popstar949 Popstar949
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2013 10:59pm UTC
    me: why am I fat
    me: I should lose weight
    me: I wish I was skinny
    me: eats 6 poptarts, a bowl of ice cream and mcdonalds
    me: oh


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