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Best Americans Quotes Ever

  1. glitter162* glitter162*
    posted a quote
    May 5, 2013 5:53pm UTC
    I bet Chinese people go to
    American restaurants and ask for a fork so they can show off to their friends.

  2. lovecrazy lovecrazy
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2013 5:48pm UTC
    "Omg Americans are all obese and lazy. I hate being American."
    If you say that, you're stupid. Absolutely stupid. So a lot of Americans are fat, like there's not fat people in every other damn country. People like food, who are you to judge? Oh, all Americans are lazy? Really, because 98% of the adults that I know work their ásses off on a daily basis, for nothing in return. Think before you speak, otherwise you'll just make yourself look like an idiot.

  3. 1hockey2lax3crazy 1hockey2lax3crazy
    posted a quote
    April 18, 2013 7:20pm UTC
    British~ American people are so annoying...
    Chinese~ American people are so annoying...
    Mexcians~ American people are so annoying...
    French~ American people are so annoying...
    Americans~ We are so annoying...
    Canadians~ I LOVE MAPLE SYRUP!

  4. CookieMonster09* CookieMonster09*
    posted a quote
    August 17, 2013 4:20pm UTC
    american overhearing somebody British: oh my god, you have a british accent! omg say something british! omg thats so cool, be my friend!!!
    British person overhearing somebody American: oh for fùck sake, it's an american.

  5. unionjlittlemix unionjlittlemix
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2013 8:23am UTC
    i don't know why americans doubt british artists.
    i'm sorry but british artists are more successful than american artists.
    look at the beatles, they were more than famous..
    i'm not hating on americans, by the way
    look at adele, one direction, cher lloyd
    look at amy winehouse, what an amazing career she had... she gave everyone an inspiration.
    no american artists can leave a mark like british artists do
    the only true inspiration from america is demi lovato
    no one will look up to nicki minaj, lady gaga, they might like the messages they give out, but it's nothing like it.
    no one will want to look up to justin bieber, he's a horrible person... i'll tell you my opinion on him in another post.
    no offense to americans, it's just that your artists mean nothing...not even taylor swift

  6. ThatMomentWhen* ThatMomentWhen*
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2013 6:15pm UTC
    Click the ♥ button if you know someone in the Army
    . . . And Te l l t hem we said
    And if you don't . . . at least click ♥ if your thankful

  7. hopetrustbelieve01 hopetrustbelieve01
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2013 7:53pm UTC
    "Over 75% of Americans agree to legalizing marijuana"
    What is happening to the world?

  8. Petyr Baelish* Petyr Baelish*
    posted a quote
    July 29, 2013 5:20pm UTC
    Dear Americans,
    Please be more specific when you're saying you wish to be British because probably all of you just want to be English.
    Yours Sincerly,
    Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

  9. winds0ng* winds0ng*
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2013 9:12am UTC
    North Koreans Know nothing:
    They think that we Americans drink snow coffee, live in tents (that was Hurricane Katrina), and use guns to kill children. (true, after Sandy Hook)
    But, they really know nothing else.
    format wittyquotesgurl

  10. RugsFromMeToYou RugsFromMeToYou
    posted a quote
    November 16, 2013 5:14pm UTC
    You Americans are so bloody annoying.
    Just because someone is BRITISH does not mean they talk like the Queen.
    GREAT BRITAIN is ENGLAND, WALES AND SCOTLAND, so there are MANY different accents.
    Which means there are MANY MANY MORE accents.
    Just like you do in AMERICA!
    GOT IT?!

  11. niki12354 niki12354
    posted a quote
    February 6, 2013 4:05pm UTC
    Things Americans Say and What They Really Mean
    1. When an American shop assistant says, “Have a nice day!”
    Translation: “Honestly, I don’t care what kind of day you have. But please tell my manager I was friendly so I get extra commission.”
    Definitely doesn’t mean: “I will sob myself to sleep if I subsequently learn that you had a less than adequate day.”
    2. When an American you’ve just met says, “Let’s have lunch sometime.”
    Translation: “Let’s never ever eat a meal together.”
    Definitely doesn’t mean: “I urgently need to see you put food in your mouth.”
    3. When an American friend says, “I hooked up with…”
    Translation: “I had s3x with/kissed/hung out with…”
    Definitely doesn’t mean: “I attached myself to someone with a metal clasp.”
    4. When American parents say, “Good job!”
    Translation: “Hey! Everyone! My two-year-old is a genius because he split an infinitive, then corrected himself! Also, he went pee-pee in the potty.”
    Definitely doesn’t mean: “Excellent career choice. Well done son.”
    5. When a drunken American says, “I’m actually Irish.”
    Translation: “My great great grandfather was part Irish. Or at least that’s what I heard.”
    Definitely doesn’t mean: “I’m Irish.”
    6. When a sarcastic American says, “You do the math.”
    Translation: “Work it out, fish brain.”
    Definitely doesn’t mean: “Please do some long division immediately.”
    7. When an annoying American says, “Your shirt is so cute!”
    Translation: “That’s one good looking upper body garment, be it a vest top, a t-shirt or an actual bona fide shirt – with cuffs and a collar.”
    Definitely doesn’t mean: “I’m sexually attracted to your blouse.”
    8. When an annoyed American says, “I could care less.”
    Translation: “I couldn’t care less.”
    Definitely doesn’t mean: “I could care less.”
    9. When an American with a full bladder says, “I need to use the restroom.”
    Translation: “I need the loo.”
    Definitely doesn’t mean: “I need to find a room where I can have a quiet lie down.”
    10. When a festive American says, “Happy holidays!”
    Translation: “Happy culturally non-specific celebration in late December/early January!”
    Definitely doesn’t mean: “Have a nice time in Ibiza.”
    (not mine, found it funny)

  12. Hari* Hari*
    posted a quote
    April 10, 2013 4:27pm UTC
    For the record, British English is the original English, so Americans are actually the ones with the accents.

  13. MissyLizzie MissyLizzie
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2013 12:33pm UTC
    I love it when American girls think British boys talk polite and posh.

  14. iambubbles iambubbles
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2013 2:17pm UTC
    There's all those british people being so hot eating their engilsh crumpets
    Then there's the fat ugly globs of americans sitting at McDonalds eating a big mac....


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