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Alwaysthereforme Quotes

  1. flyingbacon7 flyingbacon7
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2014 6:47pm UTC
    I'm giving you my heart
    I trust you with it
    I'm giving you a hug
    Because I want to be in your arms
    I give your the words of "I love you"
    Because I mean it
    You're the best thing that has ever happened to me and I love you

  2. flyingbacon7 flyingbacon7
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2014 12:00am UTC
    Everyone on witty means something to me
    I know I haven't talked to you all but I truly mean it
    I've been on this site for a while
    Reading quotes from all of you guys just heals me
    It makes me feel like I'm not alone
    Getting to know some of you just makes me happy
    I know some of you are sad
    I know some of you have dark thoughts
    I do too
    I know this might not mean a lot
    I'm just some girl
    But everyone of you is unique in their own way
    All of you have your talents
    All of you have your flaws
    But you're all beautiful in your own way
    You all inspire me
    You brighten up my day
    You are my support system
    Those who read my quotes, thank you
    My quotes are really who I am
    I write from my heart
    I really love this website called Witty profiles
    Yes, it's changed a lot
    But everyday I still read the quotes
    I remember when I was 14 reading quotes on here
    And now in a couple of days I will be 18
    Witty has always been there for me
    All of you have always been there for me
    I want to thank all of you
    I love witty
    All of you inspire me
    You all have a purpose in this world
    Please, never give up
    You've been with me through the bad and good
    And I'm always here for all of you

  3. Leslie and Alli * Leslie and Alli *
    posted a quote
    September 11, 2013 8:18pm UTC
    i dont know how i lived before i met you..
    honestly you are the one person that can make me laugh all the time. that is always there for me when i need a sholder to cry on or a friend to laugh with until we cant breath. I have only known you for a year. we became friends by a "can i sit here?" pretty amazing what that did. nobody could ever and i seriously mean that..ever. could replace you. you are my sister. my soul mate(in a best friend sort of way) you are the thing that makes me truely happy. you understand me and know me better than anyone else. you basically know my every thought. all my life i wanted a person who knew me that well and i found her. "a best friend is hard to find because the best is already mine" if i didnt have you in my life i dont know what i would do. after all..."best friends forever" is a promise. and im going to keep it.i love you sis<3


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