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Best Alex Quotes Today

  1. Ashlee Nicole* Ashlee Nicole*
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2013 7:23pm UTC
    love is the music of life,
    and youre my favorite song.

  2. mtndewhm* mtndewhm*
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2013 4:49pm UTC
    We can live like
    Jack and Alex
    if you want.
    *if you understand this I'll love you forvever*

  3. Alexwise Alexwise
    posted a quote
    February 21, 2013 11:46am UTC
    Nothing is wrong with you. It's the rest of the world that is completely f*cked up.

  4. Cats_Are_My_Only_Friends* Cats_Are_My_Only_Friends*
    posted a quote
    April 29, 2013 9:15pm UTC
    I know you wanted a fresh start but why couldn't you have a fresh start closer to me.

  5. Your_Favorite_Crayon Your_Favorite_Crayon
    posted a quote
    February 13, 2013 9:17pm UTC
    "Don't ask why, ask why not."

  6. Alexwise Alexwise
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2013 10:34am UTC
    I'd be a genius if my plans weren't constantly flawed by stupidity.

  7. surelyhoran surelyhoran
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2013 8:56pm UTC
    “Loving a band with all your heart is something you only understand
    when it happens to you. On the surface, others can see it as
    a petty obsession, but they’ll just never know the
    feeling of putting so much faith into a few people on the other
    side of the world. It’s hard to explain it to them, the listening
    to song after song on repeat, the waits for new albums, the
    excitement and surreal sensation when you finally see them live.
    They don’t seem to understand why the lyrics booklets give you a
    sense of comfort, or why you paste photos of them all over your
    bedroom walls. And they can’t understand why one band could
    matter to you so much. And you think to yourself ‘Because they
    s a v e d my life.’ But you say nothing, they wouldn't understand.”
    — Alex Gaskirth

  8. Alexwise Alexwise
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2013 5:44pm UTC
    Not to brag but I don’t need alcohol to make bad decisions.

  9. Repair Boy 🔥* Repair Boy 🔥*
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2014 9:45pm UTC
    Loving a band with all your heart is
    Something you only understand when it happens to you.
    On the surface, Others can see it as a pretty obsession.
    But they'll just never know the the feeling of putting so much faith into a few people on the other side of the world.
    It's hard to explain it to them,
    The listening to song after song on repeat,
    The waits for new albums,
    The excitement and surreal sensation when you finally see them live.
    They don't seem to understand why the lyric booklets give you a sense of comfort,
    Or why you paste photos of them all over your bedroom walls.
    And they can't understand why one band can matter to you so much.
    And you think to yourself,
    "Because the saved my life"
    But you say nothing,
    They wouldn't understand.

  10. Lissa Snape* Lissa Snape*
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2014 12:21am UTC
    Dear Alexxander,
    Sitting here alone in my spare room thinking of nothing but you. I swear it is like your name is tattood across my heart. I have no idea how you managed to break all my walls as if they werent there at all from day one its been so much fun god alex if you could only see the me youd never like me to be it scares me thinking someday youll know alex my love my life my forever my whole entire life just wanted you to know since you didnt come on tonight i love you

  11. lautnerlover98 lautnerlover98
    posted a quote
    February 4, 2013 3:48pm UTC
    Today both me and my older brother had to stay after school. My mom also had to pick up my cousin so we had to sit at the school for a while. I was standing in front of my brothers friend, Riley and next to my brother. This girl walked by who used to pick on me for liking a boy. I whispered to them how she picked on me and Riley ran out of the school after her like he was gonna talk to her about messing with me. It was so cute! I wish my brother would bring him home :(
    Today was a good day :)

  12. Lissa Snape* Lissa Snape*
    posted a quote
    January 21, 2014 10:20am UTC
    Dear Alexxander(guys look him up <3)
    Remember the day we meant and we danced and laughed and smiled? I do. Remember how we both were waiting for the other to skip out on us and we just didnt want to care. When you told my dad distance is to far. The night we went far over text. I cant touch you physically I cant cuddle you and wear your hoodies whenever
    I want too I cant get all possessive over girls i dont even know. I cant call you up whenever I want or drive to your house. Or even meet your family. None of that matters to me though. There isnt any need to get jealous i trust you not to cheat. About wearing your clothes someday ill wear them everyday or maybe no clothes at all ;) heehee jkjk maybe. someone told me once that a great love is wild and passionate it burns and consumes which makes you know its great. I laughed at the time id been hurt so much that i scoffed at the idea of love saw no point in it. now though i do see the point in it the point to try and fall in love with someone cause when you do its magical like you feel like youre walking on air and that nothing else matters and you dont want anyone else at all your only want them youd do anything to make them happy honestly honey no idea where i was going with this not sure but Alex i love you so dearly and insanely you are my whole entire world. You mean everything to me and i just love you so much you cant possibly understand how much
    Your vampire

  13. miss_charl_horanXx miss_charl_horanXx
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2013 2:15pm UTC
    why do people hate on alex gaskarth for being in union j its not his fault they kicked him out of all time low for being a rubbish drummer :/ :/ :/

  14. PrimarilyParamore* PrimarilyParamore*
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2015 7:12pm UTC
    I'm the
    One with
    the Ghosts
    in my
    But they
    Only come
    ALIVE at

  15. nmr22 nmr22
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2021 9:40am UTC
    you were the first to tell me to stay happy.

  16. PrimarilyParamore* PrimarilyParamore*
    posted a quote
    November 14, 2013 6:35pm UTC
    20 Day
    All Time
    1. Band basics.
    2. First song you heard.
    3. Your favorite song.
    4. Your favorite album.
    5. Your favorite band member.
    6. Your favorite song title.
    7. Your favorite album title.
    8. Your favorite lyrics.
    9. Your favorite photo of the band.
    10. Your favorite album cover.
    11. Best song-related memory.
    12. Worst song-related memory.
    13. Best song
    14. Worst song.
    15. Best album.
    16. Worst album.
    17. Most-played song.
    18. Least-played song.
    19. Most popular song overall.
    20. Why is this your favorite band?
    Day 9: Favorite pic of All TIme LoW:
    (Jalex (; ♥)
    Hope these answer the question. ;P

  17. PrimarilyParamore* PrimarilyParamore*
    posted a quote
    November 2, 2013 3:22pm UTC
    "TRAVISSS!" "Mooom!"
    - Alex and Jack
    "Buzznet Bloopers"

  18. BreakingOnMetal BreakingOnMetal
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2013 11:43pm UTC
    i guess i cant trust anybody anymore.
    i cant tell anyone anything anymore.
    lol. what friends i have.

  19. Cats_Are_My_Only_Friends* Cats_Are_My_Only_Friends*
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2013 12:08am UTC
    I'm tired of being sad.

  20. bexutifulmonster bexutifulmonster
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2013 10:50am UTC
    ~ alex gaskarths voice is so RnB that i twerk ~


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