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I want to die but I don't want to suicide.
have the guts to suicide but its not about that. I don't want anyone to feel guilty. I don't want my bestfriends to think they weren't there for me enough. I don't want my parents to feel that way either although they are one of the reasons I don't want to live. But there are many more reasons I want my Life to end ;__;
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I want to die but I don't want to suicide. I have the guts to

9 faves · 5 comments · Oct 22, 2015 3:33pm





life · sad · suicidal · quote

Dudu* · 8 years ago
It's to comprehend now but there's so much more to life than this. Please hang in there, and not only for those around you, but for yourself too. I don't know and I'm not going to pretend I know what you're going through, but I'm deathly sure that there's more (good) stuff that life has yet to offer you. Don't jump the train too early. Don't jump at all. It'll stop when it's supposed to, and until that happens, we all need to find new ways to cope. xxx
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tweedle dee* · 8 years ago
Same here. If you wanna talk I'm here. Well other than chats not working for me
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CraZyWILD · 8 years ago
Hey if you ever need someone to talk to message me just please don't go down that path I've done it myself and many others close to me did but seriously I've been Through a lot and I've over come it so I believe what ever is going on in your life you too can pull yourself up and over come these obstacles I don't judge and I'm just a regular teenage girl I just hate to see someone think their life is worthless it's not the fight is really worth it overcoming such things that make you want to harm yourself make you a stronger person inside no matter what others think if your strong and keep fighting for yourself that's all that matters is you and your life I'm not religious or anything but you were put on this earth it doesn't matter why but you are here and are meant to be here living so please just do it for yourself and stay strong find something that will always help you stay strong mine is my dogs and making my gma in heaven proud and my biological sister proud but I'm sorry I wrote a lot I just want you to know that I don't even know you or what your going through the but that don't matter your life is worth living you are worth the fight remember that
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jimchrom · 8 years ago
Sorry you feel that way :/
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crimson24 · 8 years ago
here if you need to chat <3 *hug*
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