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When I learn how to drive:
Me: *goes faster then speed limit*
Police: *pulls me over* we need to check your car for some sort of drug.
Me: Okay, but don't check the trunk or the glove box.
Police: Why not?
Me: Because there's a dead body in the trunk and a pistol in the glove box. That's not what I killed him with though. I used the knife under my seat.
Police: *calls other officers in*
Police #2: *searches the car and finds nothing* We haven't found anything in your car that the other officer described.
Me: Yeah and the dùmbass must've said I'm speeding too, didn't he?
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When I learn how to drive:Me: *goes faster then speed limit*Police:

4 faves · Aug 23, 2014 9:39pm





speeding · police · quote

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