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This is a conversation I had with a really stuck up, unintelligent girl recently about poetry

Stuck up girl: Poetry is so stupid. Like how is it going to help anyone in life?

Me: Poetry isn't stupid, people who can write and think up their own poetry are usually really independent, creative, and intelligent. And poetry isn't just writing down words, it's a form of self expression and freedom, so your comment is invalid and makes no sense. People can become highly successful with poetry. And people who don't understand or are unable to do something will usually hate on it.

Stuck up girl: like omg, hun, I am allowed to have an opinion. Poetry is stupid, and a waste of time

Me: You are the kind of person who probably has no origninal thoughts of your own. You can't think for yourself. I bet you couldn't write poetry if someone paid you to

Stuck up girl: I could if I wanted to, like what do you know? omg, seriously, sweetie, you don't know everything

Me: You are right, I don't know everything, and I never claimed I did. But at least I know more than you and can think for myself. And please work on your vocabulary. Learn other words besides "omg, and like seriously". And don't call me "hun or sweetie",  because you are not trying to be nice 

Stuck up girl: ........
Next Quote >

This is a conversation I had with a really stuck up, unintelligent

3 faves · 8 comments · Jun 9, 2014 11:40am





opinions · dumbpeople · quote

dolph* · 9 years ago
slay queen
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Crazy girl* · 9 years ago
I love poetry, I think its a great way to express your creativity:)
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Ashleyray123 · 9 years ago
I love poetry too:) i have always written poetry, I don't look at is as weird, I think its beautiful, if I don't write something every day, I don't feel like myself
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Crazy girl* · 9 years ago
People are stupid to think if poetry is weird cos its not, I love it and find it very interesting... its good that you like writing poetry:)
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Ashleyray123 · 9 years ago
I agree completely, it is very interesting, because there are so many ways to write poetry and so many different things to write about. I couldn't sleep last night because I kept getting ideas for my poems and was up writing them down. I like meeting other people who like poetry:) my family thinks poetry is stupid so I can't really share my poems with them
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Crazy girl* · 9 years ago
Aw, with me its the same cos at night I always think of good quotes and then note them down so I can remember them the next day...I think everyone is different in their own way and we all have different tastes so dont worry too much if your family dont like poetry:)
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Ashleyray123 · 9 years ago
True:) thank you for your kind comments. Poetry is beautiful, and I guess if some people can't see that, then they must not be looking hard enough
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Crazy girl* · 9 years ago
Your welcome:) if people can't see that poetry is beautiful well thats their problem...as long as we love it thats all that matters:)
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