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Adventures of my Dad

Episode #3: Rabies

*Apparently my dad was bitten by stray dog prior to him picking me up from piano lessons*

Dad: Chavonda, you would never guess what happened!
Me: Ok.
Dad: So here's what happened. A dog was sleeping underneath the van, and I was opening the door and I accidently stepped on its tail, and it bit me!
Me: Dad, that's actually serious. You should get that checked out.
Dad: Nah, it's cool. The bite wasn't deep.
Me: What if the dog had rabies?
Dad: He didn't.
Me: How'd you know?
Dad: He told me.
Me: -_-
Dad: Plus, I'm a doctor.
Me: No, dad, you're not.
Dad: I am! I'm Dr. Charles! I should be on Grey's Anatomy.
Me: If you are a doctor, then how would you treat a dog bite?
Dad: With medicine.
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Adventures of my Dad Episode #3: Rabies *Apparently my dad was

5 faves · 1 comments · May 21, 2014 9:44pm





school · funny · story · lol · wow · parents · dad · rabiddogs · quote

Ashleyray123 · 1 decade ago
I love your "adventures of my dad" stories, they are so funny:)
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