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note that will forever be under my pillow in case of accident, suicide, or suddenly fleeing the country to find true love

hey you
you must be pretty surprised you find this here
it didn't seemed like I planned what just happened
but hey a preppared man is worth two
can you imagine what impact it has on a woman?
so now I go on telling all that seems important
F*ck the people who told me I couldn't make it
I know I couldn't, but they say heroes always try
and I have read to many books not to
oh about the books
they where better friends than you are
they where better friends than anybody
they where the only real friendships I had
and even they ended
don't even get me started on love
for every smile that has been given to me
I've cried two rivers 
for every sweet touch
I've endured hours on beds that I wish I could dissapear in
so there would be no hands
f*ck the men who thought they owned me
f*ck the man who owned me
f*ck my lonely heart that wanted so hard to fit in
it cut away pieces of its self
f*ck the world that made my heart cut pieces of its self
f*ck my weakness that made this go on and on for years
I'm done
and at this moment I've proven it 
I'm done
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note that will forever be under my pillow in case of accident,

3 faves · May 19, 2014 2:12pm





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