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If you have your license, listen
the f.uck up. STOP SIGNS ARE

I have had my car for three days,

and I have already been ran off the
road because some ignorant p.rick
couldn't be bothered to stop at a stop
sign. I was inches from wrecking into
the a.sshole, and the only thing that
prevented it was driving into a ditch.

Let me paint a picture for you; the guy
was pulling out of a house at the top
of this hill. He clearly could have seen
us (my sister and I) coming while he
was going down said hill (the stop sign
being at the bottom.) We both were
getting closer to the point where the
road on the hill meets the road we were
on, and I was getting nervous. Mainly
because I just don't trust people and 
I'm always paranoid someone is going
to pull out in front of me. However, I tried
to brush off the nerves because he had
a stop sign so we had nothing to worry 
about, right? (lol wrong.) The idiot just
drives in front of us. Slamming on the
breaks wasn't that effective so we had
to swerve into a ditch to avoid hitting
this moron. The amount of rage that
went through me was unbelievable,
I seriosuly wanted to get out of the
ditch as soon as possible and run
the f.ucker down. 

Again, stop signs are there for 
a good f.ucking reason.

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If you have your license, listen the f.uck up. STOP SIGNS ARE

5 faves · May 4, 2014 10:44pm





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