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Girls i need your help, what does it mean when a girl says she "just wants to be friends" but she still gets mad when you look at another girl and still cuddles with you when she's at your house?? She still looks at me the same way she did when we were dating and she still can't fall asleep without me on Skype or next to her... What does this mean????
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Girls i need your help, what does it mean when a girl says she

1 faves · 8 comments · Apr 15, 2014 7:14pm

hopeless romantic*


hopeless romantic*


love · advice · quote

BellaZoia · 1 decade ago
Okay, I can answer this with 100% certainty because I've been in the same boat with a guy for the past two years. It does mean she loves you, and she probably thinks about dating you again and all that stuff. You're like the one never changing, solid thing in her life and that means a lot. The guy that I have the situation with has literally referred to himself as the north star, because he's always in the same place. She wants to just be friends because she isn't sure it's going to work. That doesn't mean you're the reason it might not work, it's probably an internal thing. You sound like you're close with her, so think: has she had any traumatic things occur in her life involving people she loves or have bad past experience with relationships? That will scare a girl away from a serious relationship. Also, is she very adventurous, spontaneous, and energetic? Because people like that tend to have commitment problems since they're not used to settling and are likely afraid that they'll be missing out on something by settling too fast. There's also the possibility that she has questionable feelings for someone else, but that doesn't mean she's stringing you along. It's part of the "afraid to commit" "don't want to miss out" extravaganza. It could be questionable that she's stringing you along if she's cuddling and what not, but when you talk about jealousy at you talking to another girl or needing you so she can fall asleep, those are things that most guys take for granted as little cute things a girl does. Those two things are actually the biggest clue into a girl's most protected, insecure, scariest inner thoughts in her mind and heart. She's giving you the key basically, but it's not an ordinary key; it's so advanced, complex, and deep, so now you need to learn how to use it.
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hopeless romantic* · 1 decade ago
With the traumatic experience thing, the only thing i can think about is every guy she loved left, her dad left when she was a baby the only male role model she had died and every guy, except me, that she's dated cheated on her...
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THeSToRyoFaFieRCeGiRL · 1 decade ago
I'm just gonna be straight forward on this one...
She's stringing you along.
It's one of two situations. Either 1. "If I can't have you, no one else can." Or 2. "I don't want you, but I don't want anyone else to have you" this one probably from jealousy or she feels like she's the best you'll ever have or no one deserves you (or you don't deserve them). Don't accept gifts from her or let her ruin your plans. She's just pulling you along and thinks she's got you wrapped around her finger.
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hopeless romantic* · 1 decade ago
She doesn't ruin my plans, i ruin hers unintentionally... If i say I'm bored she will cancel the plans she has with her somewhat boyfriend to hang out with me, when she's with him and me at the same time she almost completely ignores him
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*sammi* · 1 decade ago
Girls are just annoyingly confusing most of the time.
Like, they don't even understand themselves.
Their minds have no logic tbh
And I'm a girl.
All we literally care about is food and sleep.
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s3mpiternal · 1 decade ago
Girls are confusing.
She probably still loves you.
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KayleighJean · 1 decade ago
It means she is in love with you, but is probably in denial
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hopeless romantic* · 1 decade ago
Why is she in denial? I've been there for her for 4 years... What did i do wrong?
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