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I have to do a writing task for English. Haven’t got any inspiration at all. It should be a tale of approximately 600-800 words. Something like those canterbury tales. It can be serious or funny. Can someone please write me something. Death line is thursday 27th March. IF SOMEONE CAN HELP ME> PLEASE< I LOVE YOU.
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I have to do a writing task for English. Haven’t got any

2 faves · 3 comments · Mar 25, 2014 12:15pm





school · help · tale

skilletbiscuit · 1 decade ago
How bout a little story about how a little boy was walking through a park and every turn he took made a different place appear and he went on a weird adventure in each.

Idk I just thought it would be cool.
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justbecauseyoucan · 1 decade ago
ahhaha lmao.
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DuckRepairer · 1 decade ago
write something about ducks. I know you can do it just because you can ;)
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