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Status: Somewhere in the middle of nowhere

Member Since: 2 Nov 2013 10:24pm

Last Seen: 2 Jun 2015 12:30am

Location: Lost in time

Gender: F

user id: 374235

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Hey guys. My name's Isabelle, just FYI, but you can call me Izzy if you wanna
I never know when to stop laughing and I'm probably the most abnormal person you can meet, but that's ok by me.
I want you all to know you are beautiful, no matter what people say, don't listen to them.

I follow back ;) 
Tumblr; intensifiedxoxo

100th follower ---- youaremymuse
Some people who you might want to check out are skaterrules, x_damaged_x, WittyGrammarNazi, Atira, heartofstones, jordesus, charliesthename, shadowknight, and madicakes.
  1. skilletbiscuit skilletbiscuit
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2014 11:07am UTC
    ”Maybe there's a part of me that hit the wall
    Leaving pieces of me behind,
    And I feel like I'm breaking inside.“

  2. skilletbiscuit skilletbiscuit
    posted a quote
    April 10, 2014 11:25pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. skilletbiscuit skilletbiscuit
    posted a quote
    April 10, 2014 2:08pm UTC
    Girls need to realize that it takes as much courage for a boy to say something to a girl as it does for a girl to say something to a boy.

  4. skilletbiscuit skilletbiscuit
    posted a quote
    April 10, 2014 9:27am UTC
    So I liked a guy and my friend (Lexi) liked one of his friends but she knew I liked the guy (Josh).
    So Josh asked Lexi out and she said yes even though she's a year older than him, knew I liked him, and liked his friend, not him.
    They kept it from me for about a complete day where I was talking to her literally the entire day and when I wasn't mad she kept insisting I was mad.
    So then I did get mad at that and tried to stop the fight. Then she went and "summarized" our fight to Josh in a complete utter lie telling him that I blame her for my pain and depression even though she knows the complete story and exactly who I blame for my pain and depression. And she also told him that I don't care about her which isn't true and when Josh tried to confront me we started talking and I explained everything to him and he found out it she wasn't telling him the truth and that it was all a lie. And then she kept insisting that I should think of the guy I liked before Josh which the only reason I liked Josh was so I could stop liking the the other guy cause we are best friends and he helps me out with my depression and it was getting in the way of our friendship and him helping me so I didn't want to like him. But then as soon as I stopped liking Matthew and started liking Josh, Lexi goes out and starts dating him. She won't talk to me because she thinks I'm "not calm" even though I am and she doesn't want to think that and wants me to talk to her when I calm down, although I am calm so I don't know when to talk to her.
    Help me? Please.

  5. skilletbiscuit skilletbiscuit
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2014 10:28pm UTC
    [A]vailable: Yes
    [B]irthday: March 15
    [C]rush: Matthew
    [D]rink you last had: Water
    [E]asiest person to talk to: Matthew
    [F]avorite genre of music: Any kind of rock.
    [G]ummy bears or gummy worms: bears.
    [H]ad your first kiss: I don't really count it as a first kiss
    [I]nstrument: Saxaphone
    [J]uice: I don't like it
    [K]illed someone: The girl I used to be
    [L]ongest trip: 16 hour road trip
    [M]ilkshake flavor: Cookies & Cream
    [N]umber of siblings: 2
    [O]ne wish: For my depression to vanish
    [P]erson who holds the best memories with you: My long time bestie Josh
    [Q]uiet or loud: Depends
    [R]easons to smile: witty, other than that I'll tell you when I get one
    [S]ong: When She Cries
    [T]ime you woke up: 9:12
    [U]mbrella: I prefer dancing in the rain
    [V]egetable: Broccoli
    [W]arm at the moment: HA no
    [X]-rays you've had: Non
    [Y]our favorite animal: Black Panther
    [Z]odiac sign: Pisces

  6. skilletbiscuit skilletbiscuit
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2014 9:17pm UTC
    When an argument with a friend takes you to suicidial thoughts, that's depression, right?

  7. skilletbiscuit skilletbiscuit
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2014 10:31pm UTC
    "Oh hey there. I like your face."

  8. skilletbiscuit skilletbiscuit
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2014 10:25pm UTC
    I believe in love at first sight.
    I never said what kind of love, but
    I mean you see someone and you just know they're going to be special.

  9. skilletbiscuit skilletbiscuit
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2014 8:13pm UTC
    The best man
    is the one who
    looks you in the eye,
    tells you you're beautiful,
    and makes you believe it.

  10. skilletbiscuit skilletbiscuit
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2014 4:20pm UTC
    Confession #2:
    The only times I tell the truth is when I talk about my hardships to two of my friends. When I talk about my life and my scars and all my countless attempts that I keep secret. And when I tell a story from the past or I am helping someone (with anything). Other than that everything I say is a twisted version of the truth or a pure utter lie.

  11. skilletbiscuit skilletbiscuit
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2014 4:07pm UTC
    So raise your glass
    if you are wrong,
    in all the right ways.

  12. skilletbiscuit skilletbiscuit
    posted a quote
    April 5, 2014 11:15am UTC
    [When I wake up I'm afraid,
    somebody else might
    take my place]

  13. skilletbiscuit skilletbiscuit
    posted a quote
    April 5, 2014 11:11am UTC
    I just want to die.

  14. skilletbiscuit skilletbiscuit
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2014 8:40pm UTC
    Insecurities only
    come once
    takes a turn
    in your game

  15. skilletbiscuit skilletbiscuit
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2014 6:28pm UTC
    In Spanish I was on my iPad and I stood it up while on tumblr.
    I was on the website and the blue it provides acts kinda like a mirror.
    So as I was looking my eyes shifted to the blue and I saw him.
    He sits behind me in Spanish and turns out was looking at my tumblr while I was on it.
    Just then I scrolled past a quote that said "you are everything to me"
    He wasn't looking anymore so I kept scrolling.
    When he did look back though, I went back to the quote.
    He tapped me on the shoulder, leaned close, and whispered.
    "You are more than you could possibly think to me."

  16. skilletbiscuit skilletbiscuit
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2014 10:29pm UTC
    Can you name 13 people off the top of your head?
    1. Tracy
    2. Emily
    3. Sophie
    4. Frenchie
    5. Patrick
    6. Matthew
    7. Elayne
    8. Snipes
    9. Fredo
    10. Alex
    11. Josh
    12. Elvin
    13. Samantha
    How did you meet 10?
    Our church denomination meets up with many parishes in the same denomination and this one priest is in charge of it and he also happens to be Alex's uncle so Alex got to go. So I thought he was really cute on the retreat and took a picture with him and we are now best friends.
    Have you ever seen 4 cry?
    Would 11 and 2 make a good couple?
    HA umm nooo....
    Are you good friends with 13?
    To the extremetiy
    Do you think 5 is cute?
    Very much so
    Something about 1..?
    Technically the only person on this planet who can actually fully understands me
    How did you meet 12?
    Tracy's boyfriend
    Whats 7s fav color?
    What would you do if 6 confessed that they like you?
    My emotions would splur cause we are best friends but I have a huge crush on him and everyone, and I legitimentally mean everyone, thinks he likes me back.
    Fact about 9?
    Would you ever live with 4?
    Yesh she would be a blast to live with
    Is 2 single?
    No and in the most adorable relationship possible
    Where does 7 live?
    In our little town
    What do you think about 2?
    She's honestly a cracked nut that no one would expect to be who she really is cause she's gone through hell and I'm the only one who knows her full out life story
    Whats the worst thing about 5?
    His face does this thing where, since he naturally has pinkish cheeks, it's turns a tomato color when he's guilty.
    Whos 11 going out with?
    I think he's a single Pringle, can't be too sure though
    What do you think about 3?
    She's pretty drop dead gorgeous and gets hit on at least 10 times, being serious here, every single place she goes and I'm practically extremely jealous of her. But I love her to deat

  17. skilletbiscuit skilletbiscuit
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2014 10:00pm UTC
    Everyone, both boys and girls, need to realize that it's not only looks that matter. Looks are important, disagree with me if you want, but it usually takes the physical appeal to draw someone in, whether it's face, body, actions whatever it took for them to notice. You can be the most beautiful/handsome person on earth and be the biggest bïtçh/áśśhole on earth at the same time, or you can be the ugliest person on earth and be the nicest one. Yeah you are most likely to get into the pants of the prettier one, but once you get to actually know them, you will finally realize why all pretty people don't always end up with other "pretty" people. Three words : they don't care. They want to be with them and they would rather be with a not-so-cute nice, awesome over a cute bïtçh/áśśhole. They want to be with them because they are pretty on the inside and in the end, that's what matters.

  18. skilletbiscuit skilletbiscuit
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2014 8:34pm UTC
    Sometimes, the only real thing is now.

  19. skilletbiscuit skilletbiscuit
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2014 2:59pm UTC
    -the fear of imperfection, of not being good enough.

  20. skilletbiscuit skilletbiscuit
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2014 12:17pm UTC
    Hey, do you mind if I take a picture with you? I want to prove to my friends that angels really do exsist.


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