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I don't understand people who copy and paste things from Tumblr and post them as quotes without clarifying that it's from Tumblr, so people think they're some amazing genius and start worshipping the ground they walk on. Like. It didn't happen to you, what's the point...

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I don't understand people who copy and paste things from

15 faves · 5 comments · Sep 17, 2013 1:03pm





idiots · lol · funny

KangaDrew · 1 decade ago
the whole time I was reading this i thought of that 1Dfan girl hahahahahaha
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Steve · 1 decade ago
Witty Profiles was originally designed to be a big database of famous quotations. But with famous quotations it's like: "This is a famous quotation." - Person Who Said It
Maybe I should add a "source" or "who said it?" field for the quotes.
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GetInMyVanItHasFreeWifi · 1 decade ago
Yup. That wouldn't be a bad idea. I honestly don't mind people taking quotes from Tumblr, cause I do it too, I just don't like when they act like they came up with it.
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YouthInRetrospect · 1 decade ago
You said it yourself, brother - they want people to think they're funny and interesting. All they do is put 'tumblr' in the tags, and then when people comment on the quote saying "OMG HAHAHAHA YOU'RE SO FUNNY LOL SUCH A GENIUS" they don't bother saying that it didn't happen to them. And then when someone points out that it's from Tumblr, the "author" just deletes the comment. It's pretty sad, lol.
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GetInMyVanItHasFreeWifi · 1 decade ago
Hahaha, the deleting comments part always happens to me
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