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Dear Dana,

I'm sorry I havn't written you for a while again. I've just been busy with school starting. I'm not sure why, but I'm feeling really upset and anxious. It could be because I miss you, or because I miss my bestfriend, or because 'him' has left my life again, or because my boyfriends probably moving, or because I'm sick of loosing people, or maybe just because school's tomorrow.  But whatever it is, I want it to stop because I feel horrible. I've been having this feeling alot lately, since school's started. I'm at a completly new school and I don't know anyone. I miss the summer, to be honest... spending everyday with my bestfriend, I don't feel empty when I'm with her. & I miss not having so many limits, not having to make time for homework, and go to bed on time, and limit the fun to prepare for school. The way I see it, you really only do live once and I entend on living it instead of just working the whole time. Because when you think about it, you spend five out of seven days at school, and then you only get two out of twelve months off, then after you graduate you have college or university for four years so it's the same thing again and then it gets worse because you have to work, and you don't get two months off. So basically most people spend most of there lives working, and that's pretty depressing. Maybe that's whats making me upset, or maybe it's because my bestfriend moved. She filled every missing gap in my heart, of a family, a bestfriend, someone to unconditionally love me. I never have to write to you when I'm with her because I don't feel the need to, I tell her everything and I don't feel so alone. Anyway I hope your having a good first week of school, I love you so much <3

- xoxo your sister
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Dear Dana, I'm sorry I havn't written you for a while

2 faves · Sep 8, 2013 10:49pm





school · life · awaymessages · letters · sister · away messages

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