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So, let's talk about Blurred Lines.
Everyone likes a good, catchy song once in a while. And--don't get me wrong--I, too, rocked out to the song a couple times myself. But, as everyone knows, the song is about the "blurred lines" between consentual s.ex and r.ape. The fact that such a popular song promotes the idea that if anyone (of any gender, because r.ape happens to men) says no, they don't mean it. 
I didn't mind so much, until I discovered that this song is climbing to the top of the charts, and has passed Elvis f.ucking Presley to becoming one of the top pop songs of. All. Times. 
Are we actually going to let it pass Elton John? So just stop watching the YouTube video, downloading the jingle, and buying it on iTunes. Let's not be known as the society that's run by h.orny guys and girls who don't know the difference between yes and no.
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So, let's talk about Blurred Lines. Everyone likes a good,

9 faves · 2 comments · Sep 4, 2013 7:19pm





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BrookieeCookiee · 1 decade ago
i hated that song before I even knew what it ment...
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cookii_brookii · 1 decade ago
I liked it, but now it's absolute
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